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she turned her chair towards the window

  • 1 turn

    turn [tɜ:n]
    tourner1A (a), 1B (a), 1B (d), 1C (d), 2 (a), 2 (b), 2 (f) faire tourner1A (a) retourner1B (a) changer1C (a) faire devenir1C (a) se tourner2 (a) se retourner2 (b) devenir2 (d) se changer2 (e) tour3 (a), 3 (d), 3 (f), 3 (g) tournant3 (b), 3 (c) virage3 (b), 3 (c) tournure3 (d)
    (a) (cause to rotate, move round) tourner; (shaft, axle) faire tourner, faire pivoter; (direct) diriger;
    she turned the key in the lock (to lock) elle a donné un tour de clé (à la porte), elle a fermé la porte à clé; (to unlock) elle a ouvert la porte avec la clé;
    turn the wheel all the way round faites faire un tour complet à la roue;
    Cars to turn the (steering) wheel tourner le volant;
    turn the knob to the right tournez le bouton vers la droite;
    turn the knob to "record" mettez le bouton en position "enregistrer";
    she turned the oven to its highest setting elle a allumé ou mis le four à la température maximum;
    she turned her chair towards the window elle a tourné sa chaise face à la fenêtre;
    he turned the car into the drive il a engagé la voiture dans l'allée;
    we turned our steps homeward nous avons dirigé nos pas vers la maison;
    turn your head this way tournez la tête de ce côté
    she turned the conversation to sport elle a orienté la conversation vers le sport;
    their votes could turn the election in his favour leurs voix pourraient faire basculer les élections en sa faveur;
    he would not be turned from his decision to resign il n'y a pas eu moyen de le faire revenir sur sa décision de démissionner;
    nothing would turn the rebels from their cause rien ne pourrait détourner les rebelles de leur cause;
    you've turned my whole family against me vous avez monté toute ma famille contre moi;
    we turned his joke against him nous avons retourné la plaisanterie contre lui;
    let's turn our attention to the matter in hand occupons-nous de l'affaire en question;
    she turned her attention to the problem elle s'est concentrée sur le problème;
    to turn one's thoughts to God tourner ses pensées vers Dieu;
    research workers have turned the theory to practical use les chercheurs ont mis la théorie en pratique;
    how can we turn this policy to our advantage or account? comment tirer parti de cette politique?, comment tourner cette politique à notre avantage?;
    to turn one's back on sb tourner le dos à qn;
    she looked at the letter the minute his back was turned dès qu'il a eu le dos tourné, elle a jeté un coup d'œil à la lettre;
    how can you turn your back on your own family? comment peux-tu abandonner ta famille?;
    she turned her back on her friends elle a tourné le dos à ses amis;
    to turn one's back on the past tourner la page, tourner le dos au passé;
    she was so pretty that she turned heads wherever she went elle était si jolie que tout le monde se retournait sur son passage;
    success had not turned his head la réussite ne lui avait pas tourné la tête, il ne s'était pas laissé griser par la réussite;
    all their compliments had turned her head tous leurs compliments lui étaient montés à la tête ou lui avaient tourné la tête;
    to turn the tables on sb reprendre l'avantage sur qn;
    figurative now the tables are turned maintenant les rôles sont renversés
    (a) (flip over → page) tourner; (→ collar, mattress, sausages, soil, hay) retourner;
    the very thought of food turns my stomach l'idée même de manger me soulève le cœur;
    to turn sth on its head bouleverser qch, mettre qch sens dessus dessous;
    recent events have turned the situation on its head les événements récents ont retourné la situation
    he turned the beggar from his door il a chassé le mendiant;
    they turned the poachers off their land ils ont chassé les braconniers de leurs terres
    (c) (release, let loose)
    he turned the cattle into the field il a fait rentrer le bétail dans le champ
    (d) (go round → corner) tourner
    (e) (reach → in age, time) passer, franchir;
    I had just turned twenty je venais d'avoir vingt ans;
    she's turned thirty elle a trente ans passés, elle a dépassé le cap de la trentaine;
    it has only just turned four o'clock il est quatre heures passées de quelques secondes
    (f) (do, perform) faire;
    the skater turned a circle on the ice la patineuse a décrit un cercle sur la glace;
    to turn a cartwheel faire la roue
    (g) (ankle) tordre;
    I've turned my ankle je me suis tordu la cheville
    (a) (transform, change) changer, transformer; (make) faire devenir, rendre;
    to turn sth into sth transformer ou changer qch en qch;
    bitterness turned their love into hate l'amertume a transformé leur amour en haine;
    she turned the remark into a joke elle a tourné la remarque en plaisanterie;
    they're turning the book into a film ils adaptent le livre pour l'écran;
    the sight turned his heart to ice le spectacle lui a glacé le cœur ou l'a glacé;
    Stock Exchange you should turn your shares into cash vous devriez réaliser vos actions;
    time had turned the pages yellow le temps avait jauni les pages
    (b) (make bad, affect)
    the lemon juice turned the milk (sour) le jus de citron a fait tourner le lait
    (c) American Commerce (goods) promouvoir la vente de; (money) gagner;
    to turn a good profit faire de gros bénéfices;
    he turns an honest penny il gagne sa vie honnêtement;
    familiar he was out to turn a fast buck il cherchait à gagner ou faire du fric facilement
    (d) Technology (shape) tourner, façonner au tour;
    a well-turned leg une jambe bien faite;
    figurative to turn a phrase faire des phrases
    (a) (move round → handle, key, wheel) tourner; (→ shaft) tourner, pivoter; (→ person) se tourner;
    to turn on an axis tourner autour d'un axe;
    the crane turned (through) 180° la grue a pivoté de 180°;
    the key won't turn la clé ne tourne pas;
    he turned right round il a fait volte-face;
    they turned towards me ils se sont tournés vers moi ou de mon côté;
    they turned from the gruesome sight ils se sont détournés de cet horrible spectacle;
    turn (round) and face the front tourne-toi et regarde devant toi
    (b) (flip over → page) tourner; (→ car, person, ship) se retourner;
    figurative the smell made my stomach turn l'odeur m'a soulevé le cœur
    (c) (change direction → person) tourner; (→ vehicle) tourner, virer; (→ luck, wind) tourner, changer; (→ river, road) faire un coude; (→ tide) changer de direction;
    turn (to the) right (walking) tournez à droite; (driving) tournez ou prenez à droite;
    Military right turn! à droite!;
    we turned towards town nous nous sommes dirigés vers la ville;
    he turned (round) and went back il a fait demi-tour et est revenu sur ses pas;
    the road turns south la route tourne vers le sud;
    the car turned into our street la voiture a tourné dans notre rue;
    we turned onto the main road nous nous sommes engagés dans ou nous avons pris la grand-route;
    we turned off the main road nous avons quitté la grand-route;
    Stock Exchange the market turned downwards/upwards le marché était à la baisse/à la hausse;
    figurative I don't know where or which way to turn je ne sais plus quoi faire
    (d) (with adj or noun complement) (become) devenir;
    it's turning cold il commence à faire froid;
    the weather's turned bad le temps s'est gâté;
    the argument turned nasty la dispute s'est envenimée;
    she turned angry when he refused elle s'est mise en colère quand il a refusé;
    to turn red/blue virer au rouge/bleu;
    he turned red il a rougi;
    a lawyer turned politician un avocat devenu homme politique;
    to turn professional passer ou devenir professionnel;
    the whole family turned Muslim toute la famille s'est convertie à l'islam
    (e) (transform) se changer, se transformer;
    the pumpkin turned into a carriage la citrouille s'est transformée en carrosse;
    the rain turned to snow la pluie s'est transformée en neige;
    the little girl had turned into a young woman la petite fille était devenue une jeune femme;
    their love turned to hate leur amour se changea en haine ou fit place à la haine
    (f) (leaf) tourner, jaunir; (milk) tourner;
    the weather has turned le temps a changé
    3 noun
    (a) (revolution, rotation) tour m;
    he gave the handle a turn il a tourné la poignée;
    give the screw another turn donnez un autre tour de vis;
    with a turn of the wrist avec un tour de poignet
    (b) (change of course, direction) tournant m; (in skiing) virage m;
    to make a right turn (walking) tourner à droite; (driving) tourner ou prendre à droite;
    take the second turn on the right prenez la deuxième à droite;
    no right turn (sign) défense de tourner à droite;
    figurative at every turn à tout instant, à tout bout de champ
    (c) (bend, curve in road) virage m, tournant m;
    there is a sharp turn to the left la route fait un brusque virage ou tourne brusquement à gauche
    (d) (change in state, nature) tour m, tournure f;
    the conversation took a new turn la conversation a pris une nouvelle tournure;
    it was an unexpected turn of events les événements ont pris une tournure imprévue;
    things took a turn for the worse/better les choses se sont aggravées/améliorées;
    the patient took a turn for the worse/better l'état du malade s'est aggravé/amélioré;
    the situation took a tragic turn la situation a tourné au tragique
    at the turn of the year vers la fin de l'année;
    at the turn of the century au tournant du siècle
    (f) (in game, order, queue) tour m;
    it's my turn c'est à moi, c'est mon tour;
    whose turn is it? (in queue) (c'est) à qui le tour?; (in game) c'est à qui de jouer?;
    it's his turn to do the dishes c'est à lui ou c'est son tour de faire la vaisselle;
    you'll have to wait your turn il faudra attendre ton tour;
    they laughed and cried by turns ils passaient tour à tour du rire aux larmes;
    to take it in turns to do sth faire qch à tour de rôle;
    let's take it in turns to drive relayons-nous au volant;
    we took turns sleeping on the floor nous avons dormi par terre à tour de rôle;
    turn and turn about à tour de rôle
    (g) (action, deed)
    to do sb a good/bad turn rendre service/jouer un mauvais tour à qn;
    he did them a bad turn il leur a joué un mauvais tour;
    I've done my good turn for the day j'ai fait ma bonne action de la journée;
    proverb one good turn deserves another = un service en vaut un autre, un service rendu en appelle un autre
    (h) familiar (attack of illness) crise f, attaque f;
    she had one of her (funny) turns this morning elle a eu une de ses crises ce matin
    you gave me quite a turn! tu m'as fait une sacrée peur!, tu m'as fait une de ces peurs!;
    it gave me such a turn! j'ai eu une de ces peurs!
    (j) old-fashioned (short trip, ride, walk) tour m;
    let's go for or take a turn in the garden allons faire un tour dans le jardin
    (k) (tendency, style)
    to have an optimistic turn of mind être optimiste de nature ou d'un naturel optimiste;
    he has a strange turn of mind il a une drôle de mentalité;
    turn of phrase tournure f ou tour m de phrase;
    she has a witty turn of phrase elle est très spirituelle ou pleine d'esprit
    (l) (purpose, requirement) exigence f, besoin m;
    this book has served its turn ce livre a fait son temps
    (m) Music doublé m
    (n) Stock Exchange (transaction) transaction f (qui comprend l'achat et la vente); British (difference in price) écart m entre le prix d'achat et le prix de vente
    (o) British Theatre numéro m;
    a comedy turn un numéro de comédie
    done to a turn cuit à point; familiar humorous (tanned) tout bronzé
    she interviewed each of us in turn elle a eu un entretien avec chacun de nous l'un après l'autre;
    I told Sarah and she in turn told Paul je l'ai dit à Sarah qui, à son tour, l'a dit à Paul;
    I worked in turn as a waiter, an actor and a teacher j'ai travaillé successivement ou tour à tour comme serveur, acteur et enseignant
    to be on the turn être sur le point de changer;
    the tide is on the turn c'est le changement de marée; figurative le vent tourne;
    the milk is on the turn le lait commence à tourner
    don't play out of turn attends ton tour pour jouer;
    figurative to speak out of turn faire des remarques déplacées, parler mal à propos
    ►► (shift) turn of duty (gen) tour m de service; Military tour m de garde;
    American turn signal clignotant m, Belgian clignoteur m, Swiss signofil(e) m;
    American turn signal lever (manette f de) clignotant m
    se retourner contre, s'en prendre à
    (move to one side) s'écarter; also figurative (move away) se détourner;
    she turned aside to blow her nose elle se détourna pour se moucher
    also figurative écarter, détourner
    (a) (avert) détourner;
    she turned her head away from him elle s'est détournée de lui
    (b) (reject → person) renvoyer; (stronger) chasser;
    the college turned away hundreds of applicants l'université a refusé des centaines de candidats;
    she turned the salesman away elle chassa le représentant;
    to turn people away (in theatre etc) refuser du monde;
    we've been turning business away nous avons refusé du travail
    se détourner;
    he turned away from them in anger en ou de colère, il leur a tourné le dos
    (a) (return → person) revenir, rebrousser chemin; (→ vehicle) faire demi-tour;
    it was getting dark so we decided to turn back comme il commençait à faire nuit, nous avons décidé de faire demi-tour;
    my mind is made up, there is no turning back ma décision est prise, je ne reviendrai pas dessus
    turn back to chapter one revenez ou retournez au premier chapitre
    (a) (force to return) faire faire demi-tour à; (refugee) refouler
    (b) (fold → collar, sheet) rabattre; (→ sleeves) remonter, retrousser; (→ corner of page) corner
    to turn the clock back remonter dans le temps, revenir en arrière
    (a) (heating, lighting, sound) baisser
    (b) (fold → sheet) rabattre, retourner; (→ collar) rabattre;
    to turn down the corner of a page corner une page;
    to turn down the bed ouvrir le lit
    (c) (reject → offer, request, suitor) rejeter, repousser; (→ candidate, job) refuser;
    they offered him a job but he turned them down ils lui ont proposé un emploi mais il a rejeté leur offre;
    familiar she turned me down flat elle m'a envoyé balader
    (move downwards) tourner vers le bas;
    the corners of his mouth turned down il a fait la moue ou une grimace désapprobatrice
    turn in
    (a) (return, give in → borrowed article, equipment, piece of work) rendre, rapporter; (→ criminal) livrer à la police;
    they turned the thief in (took him to the police) ils ont livré le voleur à la police; (informed on him) ils ont dénoncé le voleur à la police
    turn in the edges rentrez les bords
    the actor turned in a good performance l'acteur a très bien joué;
    the company turned in record profits l'entreprise a fait des bénéfices record
    (a) (feet, toes)
    my toes turn in j'ai les pieds en dedans
    he turned in at the gate arrivé à la porte, il est entré
    (c) familiar (go to bed) se coucher
    to turn in on oneself se replier sur soi-même
    (a) (switch off → light) éteindre; (→ heater, radio, television) éteindre, fermer; (cut off at mains) couper; (tap) fermer;
    she turned the ignition/engine off elle a coupé le contact/arrêté le moteur
    (b) familiar (fail to interest) rebuter ; (sexually) couper l'envie à; (repulse) débecter;
    her superior attitude really turns me off son air suffisant me rebute
    (a) (leave road) tourner;
    we turned off at junction 5 nous avons pris la sortie d'autoroute 5
    (b) (switch off) s'éteindre;
    the heater turns off automatically l'appareil de chauffage s'éteint ou s'arrête automatiquement
    turn on
    (a) (switch on → electricity, heating, light, radio, television) allumer; (→ engine) mettre en marche; (→ water) faire couler; (→ tap) ouvrir; (open at mains) ouvrir;
    figurative she can turn on the charm/the tears whenever necessary elle sait faire du charme/pleurer quand il le faut
    (b) familiar (person → interest) intéresser ; (→ sexually) exciter; (→ introduce to drugs) initier à la drogue ;
    to be turned on (sexually) être excité;
    the movie didn't turn me on at all le film ne m'a vraiment pas emballé;
    he turned us on to this new pianist il nous a fait découvrir ce nouveau pianiste
    (attack) attaquer;
    the dogs turned on him les chiens l'ont attaqué ou se sont jetés sur lui;
    his colleagues turned on him and accused him of stealing ses collègues s'en sont pris à lui et l'ont accusé de vol
    (take drugs) se droguer
    (a) (switch on) s'allumer;
    the oven turns on automatically le four s'allume automatiquement
    (b) (depend, hinge on) dépendre de, reposer sur;
    the whole case turned on or upon this detail toute l'affaire reposait sur ce détail;
    everything turns on whether he continues as president tout dépend s'il reste président ou non
    (a) (switch off → light) éteindre; (→ gas) éteindre, couper
    she turns her toes out when she walks elle marche en canard
    (c) (dismiss, expel) mettre à la porte; (tenant) expulser, déloger;
    he turned his daughter out of the house il a mis sa fille à la porte ou a chassé sa fille de la maison;
    he was turned out of his job il a été renvoyé
    (d) (empty → container, pockets) retourner, vider; (→ contents) vider; (→ jelly) verser;
    turn the cake out onto a plate démoulez le gâteau sur une assiette
    (e) British (clean) nettoyer à fond;
    to turn out a room faire une pièce à fond
    (f) (produce) produire, fabriquer;
    he turns out a book a year il écrit un livre par an;
    few schools turn out the kind of people we need peu d'écoles forment le type de gens qu'il nous faut
    (g) (police, troops) envoyer;
    turn out the guard! faites sortir la garde!
    (h) (usu passive) (dress) habiller;
    nicely or smartly turned out élégant;
    he was turned out in a suit and a tie il portait un costume-cravate;
    she always turns her children out beautifully elle habille toujours bien ses enfants
    (a) (show up) venir, arriver; Military (guard) (aller) prendre la faction; (troops) aller au rassemblement;
    thousands turned out for the concert des milliers de gens sont venus ou ont assisté au concert;
    the doctor had to turn out in the middle of the night le docteur a dû se déplacer au milieu de la nuit
    (b) (car, person) sortir, partir;
    the car turned out of the car park la voiture est sortie du parking
    my feet turn out j'ai les pieds en canard ou en dehors
    (d) (prove) se révéler, s'avérer;
    his statement turned out to be false sa déclaration s'est révélée fausse;
    her story turned out to be true ce qu'elle a raconté était vrai;
    he turned out to be a scoundrel il s'est révélé être un vaurien, on s'est rendu compte que c'était un vaurien;
    it turns out that… il se trouve que… + indicative
    I don't know how it turned out je ne sais pas comment cela a fini;
    how did the cake turn out? le gâteau était-il réussi?;
    the story turned out happily l'histoire s'est bien terminée ou a bien fini;
    the evening turned out badly la soirée a mal tourné;
    everything will turn out fine tout va s'arranger ou ira bien;
    as it turns out, he needn't have worried en l'occurrence ou en fin de compte, ce n'était pas la peine de se faire du souci
    (f) British familiar (get out of bed) se lever, sortir du lit
    (a) (playing card, mattress, person, stone) retourner; (page) tourner; (vehicle) retourner; (boat) faire chavirer;
    I was turning over the pages of the magazine je feuilletais la revue;
    figurative to turn over a new leaf s'acheter une conduite;
    Agriculture to turn over the soil retourner la terre
    (b) (consider) réfléchir à ou sur;
    I was turning the idea over in my mind je tournais et retournais ou ruminais l'idée dans ma tête
    (c) (hand over, transfer) rendre, remettre;
    he turned the responsibility over to his deputy il s'est déchargé de la responsabilité sur son adjoint;
    to turn sb over to the authorities livrer qn aux autorités
    (d) (change) transformer, changer;
    he's turning the land over to cattle farming il reconvertit sa terre dans l'élevage du bétail
    the store turns over £1,000 a week la boutique fait un chiffre d'affaires de 1000 livres par semaine
    (g) British familiar (rob → person) voler, dévaliser ; (→ store) dévaliser ; (→ house) cambrioler
    (a) (roll over → person) se retourner; (→ vehicle) se retourner, faire un tonneau; (→ boat) se retourner, chavirer
    (b) (engine) commencer à tourner
    (c) (when reading) tourner;
    (d) Television (change channel) changer de chaîne
    (e) Commerce (merchandise) s'écouler, se vendre
    (a) (rotate → person) se retourner; (→ object) tourner;
    she turned round and waved goodbye elle se retourna et dit au revoir de la main;
    the dancers turned round and round les danseurs tournaient ou tournoyaient (sur eux-mêmes)
    (b) (face opposite direction → person) faire volte-face, faire demi-tour; (→ vehicle) faire demi-tour;
    figurative she turned round and accused us of stealing elle s'est retournée contre nous et nous a accusés de vol
    (a) (rotate → head) tourner; (→ object, person) tourner, retourner; (→ vehicle) faire faire demi-tour à;
    could you turn the car round please? tu peux faire demi-tour, s'il te plaît?
    to turn a situation round renverser une situation;
    Commerce to turn a company round sauver une entreprise de la faillite
    (d) (sentence, idea) retourner
    (a) (person) se tourner vers; (→ page) aller à;
    turn to chapter one allez au premier chapitre
    (b) (seek help from) s'adresser à, se tourner vers;
    to turn to sb for advice consulter qn, demander conseil à qn;
    I don't know who to turn to je ne sais pas à qui m'adresser ou qui aller trouver;
    he turned to his mother for sympathy il s'est tourné vers sa mère pour qu'elle le console;
    she won't turn to me for help elle ne veut pas me demander de l'aide;
    he turned to the bottle il s'est mis à boire
    (c) figurative (shift, move on to)
    her thoughts turned to her sister elle se mit à penser à sa sœur;
    the discussion turned to the war on se mit à discuter de la guerre
    (d) (address → subject, issue etc) aborder, traiter;
    we shall now turn to the problem of housing nous allons maintenant aborder le problème du logement;
    let us turn to another topic passons à un autre sujet
    turn up
    (a) (heat, lighting, radio, TV) mettre plus fort;
    to turn the sound up augmenter ou monter le volume;
    she turned the oven up elle a mis ou réglé le four plus fort, elle a augmenté la température du four;
    British very familiar turn it up! la ferme!
    (b) (find, unearth) découvrir, dénicher; (buried object) déterrer;
    her research turned up some interesting new facts sa recherche a révélé de nouveaux détails intéressants
    (c) (point upwards) remonter, relever;
    she has a turned-up nose elle a le nez retroussé
    (d) (collar) relever; (trousers) remonter; (sleeve) retrousser, remonter; (in order to shorten) raccourcir en faisant un ourlet
    (e) (uncover → card) retourner
    (a) (appear) apparaître; (arrive) arriver;
    she turned up at my office this morning elle s'est présentée à mon bureau ce matin;
    he'll turn up again one of these days il reviendra bien un de ces jours;
    I'll take the first job that turns up je prendrai le premier poste qui se présentera
    (b) (be found) être trouvé ou retrouvé;
    her bag turned up eventually elle a fini par retrouver son sac
    (c) (happen) se passer, arriver;
    don't worry, something will turn up ne t'en fais pas, tu finiras par trouver quelque chose;
    until something better turns up en attendant mieux
    ✾ Book ✾ Music 'The Turn of the Screw' James, Britten 'Le Tour d'écrou'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > turn

  • 2 turn

    1. I
    1) we all turned мы все повернулись [кругом]; he turned and went away in a rage он повернулся и в гневе пошел прочь; it is time for us to turn нам пора повернуть назад /пойти обратно/; he did not know which way /where/ то turn a) он не знал, куда повернуться; б) он не знал, к кому обратиться; the river turns and twists речка извивается /петляет/; the tide has turned начинается отлив или прилив; the wind is turning ветер меняется /меняет направление/; the weather has turned погода изменилась; I fear my luck will turn боюсь, мне изменит счастье /мне перестанет везти/
    2) the wheels turned колеса вертелись; the ball turns крутится шар; the merry-go-round turned карусель вертелась /вращалась/; this key is hard to turn этот ключ трудно повернуть; the tap won't turn кран не поворачивается
    3) my head is turning у меня кружится голова; heights always make his head turn высота всегда вызывает у него головокружение
    4) the leaves are beginning to turn листья начинают желтеть; her hair has begun to turn она начала седеть
    5) the milk has turned молоко прокисло
    6) the edge of the knife had turned лезвие ножа затупилось
    2. II
    1) turn in some manner turn abruptly (reluctantly, instinctively, wearily, insolently, etc.) резко и т.д. повернуть (ся) или свернуть; somewhere turn this way (that way, left, around, etc.) повернуть(ся) в эту сторону и т.д.; the main road turns sharp right шоссе круто уходит направо; turn homewards (west, etc.) направляться домой и т.д.; let's turn back давайте вернемся [назад]; she turned aside and began to sob она отвернулась и начала всхлипывать; turn round and let me see your face повернись и дай мне посмотреть тебе в лице; he turned round and round он все время поворачивался /крутился/; turn at tome time it is time to turn now теперь нам пора возвращаться /поворачивать назад/
    2) turn in some manner the boat (the car, the cart, etc.) turned over лодка и т.д. перевернулась; the aircraft struck the ground and turned over and over самолет врезался в землю и несколько раз перевернулся; turn head over heels перекувырнуться; the boat turned upside down лодка перевернулась /опрокинулась вверх дном/; my umbrella (my pocket, etc.) turned inside out у меня вывернулся зонтик и т.д.; the whole world turned topsy-turvy весь мир перевернулся, все в мире перевернулось
    3) turn in some manner the key (the handle, the tap, etc.) turns easily ключ и т.д. легко поворачивается
    4) turn in some manner the dancer turned quickly (awkwardly, gracefully. etc.) танцовщица быстро и т.д. кружилась
    5) turn in some manner the metal (the wood, this material, etc.) turns well (easily, quickly, etc.) этот металл и т.д. хорошо и т.д. поддается обточке
    3. III
    1) turn smb., smth. turn one's horse (one's car, the carriage, etc.) повернуть лошадь и т.д. обратно /назад/; she turned her steps она повернула назад; turn one's head обернуться, повернуть голову; turn the course of a river (the tide of events, etc.) изменить течение реки и т.д.; turn the conversation изменить тему разговора, повернуть беседу в другое русло; turn the corner а) поворачивать за угол; the саг turned the corner машина завернула за угол; б) выходить из затруднительного положения; once he has made up his mind, nothing will turn him если он что-нибудь решил, ничто не заставит его изменить своего решения
    2) turn smth. turn a page of a book (pancakes, an omelette, etc.) переворачивать страницу книги и т.д.; turn hay ворошить сено; turn soil пахать; turn a bed перетряхивать постель; turn a sheet отогнуть простыню; turn a garment (a dress, a suit, a coat, a cape, a collar, etc.) перелицовывать одежду и т.д.; turn a complete circle (a half-circle, 16 points, etc.) делать полный оборот и т.д.; turn a somersault делать сальто, кувыркаться || turn one's ankle вывихнуть /подвернуть/ ногу; turn smb.'s brain сводить кого-л. с ума; grief (overwork, etc.) has turned his brain от горя и т.д. он сошел с ума
    3) turn smth. turn a wheel вращать колесо; turn a handle крутить ручку; turn a key (the cap of a jar, the tap, the doorknob, etc.) поворачивать ключ и т.д.
    4) || turn smb.'s head вскружить кому-л. голову; success had not turned his head от успеха голова у него не закружилась; turn smb.'s stomach вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; the mere sight of food turns his stomach его воротит /мутит, тошнит/ от одного вида пищи; I'm afraid the rolling of the ship will turn my stomach боюсь, что качка на корабле вызовет у меня тошноту
    5) turn smb. turn an excellent husband (a soldier, a schoolmaster, a reporter, a poet, a Christian, etc.) стать [со временем] прекрасным мужем и т.д.; turn traitor (informer, etc.) стать предателем и т.д.
    6) || turn some colour стать какого-л. цвета, принять какую-л. окраску; turn all the colours of the rainbow окраситься во все цвета радуги; he turned colour он покраснел или побледнел
    7) turn smth. turn milk (cream) сквашивать молоко (сливки); heat has turned the milk от жары молоко скисло
    9) turn smth. turn a blow отводить удар; the metal is thick enough to turn a bullet металл достаточно прочен, чтобы пуля от него отскочила /его не пробила/
    10) turn smth. turn candlesticks (wooden vessels, brass, lead pipes, columns, etc.) вытачивать /обтачивать/ подсвечники и т.д.
    11) turn smth. turn an epigram (a couplet, a witty reply, etc.) сочинить эпиграмму и т.д.; turn a pretty compliment сделать тонкий комплимент; he has a knack for turning a phrase он очень ловко жонглирует словами; I don't know how he managed to turn the trick я не знаю, как ему удалось провернуть это дельце
    12) turn smth. turn the edge of a knife (the edge of an axe, etc.) затупить лезвие ножа и т.д.
    4. IV
    1) turn smth., smb. somewhere turn one's саг (the horse, the carriage, one's steps, etc.) back (homewards, northwards, etc.) повернуть машину и т.д. назад и т.д.; turn your eyes /your look/ this way посмотри сюда; turn smth. in some manner turn your chair so that the light is on your left поверните стул так, чтобы свет падал слева; turn the corner at full speed поворачивать за угол на полном ходу
    2) turn smth., smb. in some manner turn the pages of a book (of a magazine, etc.) thoughtlessly (absent-mindedly, idly, quickly, etc.) бездумно и т.д. переворачивать страницы книги /перелистывать книгу/ и т.Л; turn some old letters nostalgically с грустью перебирать старью письма; turn a patient (a body, etc,) easily легко перевернуть больного и т.д.; the doctor turned him over and looked at his back врач перевернул его и осмотрел его спину; turn the boy around, I want to sound him поверий мальчика, я его выслушаю; turn the handle three times (the tap one notch, etc.) повернуть ручку три раза и т.д.; turn one's pockets (a coat, one's glove, etc.) inside out выворачивать карманы и т.д. [наизнанку]; turn the boat (the pail, etc.) upside down опрокидывать лодку и т.д. вверх дном; don't turn this box upside down этот ящик нельзя кантовать; turn a room upside down перевернуть все в комнате вверх дном || turn one's ankle unexpectedly (suddenly, etc.) неожиданно и т.д. подвернуть ногу; I turned my ankle painfully я подвернул ногу и мне очень больно
    3) turn smth. in some manner you are turning my words around ты передергиваешь мои слова
    4) turn some age at some time she has not yet turned 40 ей еще нет сорока; his son just turned 4 его сыну как раз исполнилось четыре года; it has just turned two сейчас ровно два часа
    5) turn smth. somewhere turn aside a blow отвести удар
    6) turn smth. at some time I could turn a Latin verse in my day в свое время я писал стихи на латыни
    5. VI
    turn smth., smb. into some [other] state
    1) turn the light low уменьшить свет; the lamp low подвернуть лампу; fear turned him cowardly страх сделал его трусом; what turned the milk bad /sour/? от чего скисло молоко; his behaviour turns me sick от его поведения меня всего переворачивает
    2) turn a bird (prisoners, the animals, an arrow, etc.) loose выпустить птичку и т.д. на свободу; why don't you turn them free? почему ты не отпустишь их?
    3) turn the leaves red (yellow, etc.) окрашивать листья багрянцем и т.д.; the very thought turned me pale одна мысль об этом заставила меня побледнеть, я побледнел при одной мысли об этом; illness (worry, etc.) turned his hair white /grey/ он поседел от болезни и т.д.; the success of others turns him green with envy он зеленеет от зависти, когда слышит об успехах других
    6. XI
    1) be turned out of some place be turned out of the country (out of the house, etc.) быть высланным /водворенным/ из страны и т.д.; he was turned out of the hall for making too much noise его вывели /выгнали/ из зала за то, что он очень шумел; be turned from smth. he was turned from the door его прогнали от дверей
    2) be turned to for smth. this book may be turned to for accurate information (for answers, for clues, etc,) в этой книге можно найти точные сведения и т.д.
    3) be turned the dress (the suit, etc.) must be turned платье и т.д. надо перелицевать
    4) be turned by smth. be turned by steam приводиться в движение паром; be turned by gas вращаться при помощи газа; the mill wheel is being turned by water-power (by electricity, etc.) мельничное колесо приводится в движение /вращается/ силой воды и т.д.
    5) be turned (in)to smth. the drawing-room (the nursery, etc.) was turned into a study гостиная и т.д. была превращена в кабинет, из гостиной и т.д. сделали кабинет; his love was turned to hatred его любовь перешла в ненависть; it was formerly thought that common metals could be turned into gold раньше думали, что обычные металлы можно превратить в золото
    7. XII
    have smth. turned have one's coat (one's dress, etc.) turned отдать пальто и т.д. в перелицовку
    8. XIII
    turn to do smth. turn to look behind (to say smth., to pass the book to me, etc.) повернуться, чтобы посмотреть назад и т.д.
    9. XV
    turn into some state turn pale побледнеть: the leaves are beginning to turn yellow листья начинают желтеть; turn blue with cold посинеть от холода; turn green with envy позеленеть от зависти; her hair was said to have turned grey in one night говорили, что она поседела за одну ночь; this ink turns black on drying эти чернила становятся черными, когда высыхают; turn cold /colder/ холодать; the weather turned rainy (bad, stormy, etc.) погода стала дождливой и т.д.; whenever I come he turns sulky всегда, когда я прихожу, он начинает дуться; don't leave the milk on the table, it'll turn sour не оставляй молоко на столе, оно скиснет
    10. XVI
    1) turn to (off, towards, into, etc.) smth., smb. turn to the window (to the left, to the right, towards me, towards the sea, for home, etc.) повернуться к окну и т.Л; turn off the highway сворачивать с шоссе; the road turns to the north here здесь дорога уходит на север; the boat turned to windward лодка развернулась по ветру; he turned towards home он направился домой; turn into a wide road (into an alley, into the next street, etc.) свернуть на широкое шоссе и т.д.; they turned from the road into the woods они повернули с дороги в лес; turn at (in, on, etc.) smth. turn at the corner завернуть за угол, поворачивать на углу; turn in bed (in one's sleep, etc.) вертеться в постели и т.д.; the wheels won't turn in this mud в такой грязи колеса будут буксовать и не будут вращаться/; it's enough to make him turn in his grave он от этого в гробу перевернется; turn on one side while sleeping повернуться на бок во сне
    2) turn into smth. turn into a house (into the saloon at the corner, etc.) завернуть /заглянуть/ в дом и т.д.; turn into a town заехать в город
    3) turn to smth., smb. turn to the last page заглянуть на последнюю страницу; you'll find those figures if you turn to page 50 вы найдете эти цифры на странице/, если откроете страницу/ пятьдесят; my thoughts often turn to this subject мои мысли часто возвращаются к этой теме /к этому вопросу/; I shall now turn to another matter теперь я перейду к другому вопросу; I have no one to turn to мне не к кому обратиться; he is not the man you could turn to in these questions он не тот человек, к которому можно было бы обратиться с просьбой по таким вопросам; turn to smth., smb. for smth. turn to the dictionary for a word (to literature for reference, to a document for guidance, to his letter for consolation, etc.) обращаться к словари в поисках слова и т.Л; turn to his friend for help (to his mother for comfort, to his teacher for advice and guidance, to the police for protection, etc.) искать помощи у друга и т.д.; turn to the secretary for information (to his colleagues for support, etc.) обратиться к секретарю за справкой и т.д.; he turned to us for a loan он попросил нас дать ему взаймы денег
    4) turn to smth. turn to music (to the study of law, to medical practice, to journalism, to painting, to book-collecting, etc.) заняться музыкой и т.д.; turn to one's work приниматься /браться/ за работу; he is giving up the stage and turning to film work он бросает сцену и переходит на работу в кино; turn to drink начать пить; turn to crime заняться преступной деятельностью; the starling only turns to worms when there are no berries скворцы питаются червями только тогда, когда нет ягод
    5) turn on (round, etc.) smth. turn on an axle (on its axis, round the sun, etc.) вращаться на оси и т.д.; the door turns on its hinges дверь поворачивается на петлях; he turned on his heel and walked out of the room он круто повернулся и вышел из комнаты
    6) turn with smth. his head turns with giddiness у него кружится голова; his head has turned with success успех вскружил ему голову; the weathercock turns with the wind флюгер крутится по ветру; turn at smth. his stomach turns at the sight of blood (at the mere sight of food, etc.) у него поднимается тошнота при виде крови и т.д.
    7) turn (in)to smb., smth. turn into a butterfly (into a very pleasant fellow, into vinegar, into ice, etc.) превратиться в бабочку /стать бабочкой/ и т.д.; fog sometimes turns to snow (to rain) туман иногда переходит в снег (в дождь); the water has turned to ice вода превратилась в лед; the snow had turned (in)to slush снег превратился в слякоть; can a wolf turn into a lamb? разве может волк обернуться /стать/ овечкой?; my admiration soon turned to scorn мое восхищение скоро сменилось презрением; turn from smth. (in)to smth. the wind turned from west into south-west Южный ветер сменился юго-западным; the sphere has turned from blue to red шар из голубого стал красным; turn for smth. turn for the better (for the worse) (из)меняться к лучшему (к худшему)
    8) turn (up)on smth. everything (the whole argument, the outcome, the decision, etc.) turns on his answer (on that fact, on this point, etc.) все и т.д. зависит от его ответа и т.д.; the success of the trip turns on the weather успех поездки будет зависеть от погоды; everything turned upon the result of the battle все определялось исходом боя; the conversation turned (up)on sport (upon dress, upon hunting, on a variety of subjects, etc.).разговор вертелся вокруг /касался/ спорта и т.д.; the debate did not turn upon any practical propositions обсуждение не касалось никаких практических вопросов
    9) turn on (against) smb. the dog (the lion, the big.cat, etc.) turned on its trainer (on its owner, on its keeper, on its pursuers, etc.) собака и т.д. набросилась на своего дрессировщика и т.Л; even the most friendly dog may turn on you if you tease or annoy it даже самая добродушная собака может наброситься на человека, если ее раздразнить; why have you turned on me? что ты на меня взъелся?; what a fine excuse for turn logon me прекрасный повод, чтобы наброситься на меня; he turned angrily against his relatives (against his former friends, against his opponents, etc.) он яростно ополчился на своих родственников и т.А; the newspapers turned against the Parliament газеты начали кампанию против парламента; his words (his own criticism, etc.) turned against him его слова и т.д. обернулись против него самого
    10) turn from smb. he turned from his friends oil порвал со своими друзьями; он отвернулся от своих друзей; he turned from the Democrats and joined the Republicans он порвал с демократической партией в примкнул к республиканцам
    11. XXI1
    1) turn smth., smb. to (towards, into, on, etc.) smth., smb. turn the саг to the bridge повернуть машину к месту, въехать на мост; turn one's car to the left (one's camera to the right, etc.) повернуть машину налево и т.д.; turn one's саг towards the centre of the town направиться [на машине] к центру города; turn one's horse to the hills погнать лошадь в горы; turn cows to pasture выгнать коров на пастбище; turn one's chair to the fire повернуть свое кресло к камину; plants turn blooms to the light растения поворачивают головки к свету; turn one's back to one's guests (to the audience, to the wall, etc.) повернуться /стать/ спиной к гостям и т.д.; turn the light into the dark room направить луч света в темную комнату; turn a telescope on a star (the searchlight on smb., etc.) направлять телескоп на звезду и т.д.; turn the talk into other channels перевести разговор на другую тему; turn one's eyes on the stage обратить или перевести взгляд на сцену; turn smth. with smth. he turned the blow with his arm он отвел удар рукой id turn a deaf ear to smb.'s request./to smb./ отказаться выслушать чью-л. просьбу, остаться глухим к чьей-л. просьбе
    2) turn smb. out of (from, etc.) smth. turn smb. out of his room (out of the house, out of a club, etc.) выгнать кого-л. из комнаты и т.д.; turn a beggar from one's door прогнать нищего от своих дверей
    3) turn smth. to smth., smb. turn one's thoughts (one's attention, one's mind) to one's work (to practical matters, to something more important, etc.) сосредоточить свои мысли и т.д. на работе и т.А; at last they turned their attention to her наконец они занялись ею; turn one's efforts to something more important направлять свои усилия на что-либо более важное
    4) turn smth. to smth. turn one's hand to useful work заняться полезным делом; he can turn his hand to almost anything он умеет делать почти все; he knows how to turn things to advantage /to account/ он знает, как из всего извлечь пользу; he turns even his errors to account даже из своих ошибок он извлекает пользу
    5) turn smth. on (in) smth. turn a wagon on its side опрокинуть телегу на бок; turn a chop in a pan перевернуть котлету на сковородке || turn one's ankle on the edge of the sidewalk вывихнуть ногу, споткнувшись о край тротуара
    6) turn smth. in smth. turn one's hat in one's hands (the toy in one's fingers, etc.) вертеть шляпу в руках и т.д.; turn the key in the lock поворачивать ключ в замке и т.д. id turn smb. round one's little finger вертеть кем-л. [как хочешь], помыкать кем-л.
    7) turn smth. (in)to smth. turn water into ice (defeat into victory, love to hatred, tears into laughter, etc.) превращать воду в лед и т.д.; turn a theatre into a cinema (a garden into a tennis-court, etc.) переделать /перестроить/ театр в кинозал и т.д.; turn one's land into money (one's bonds into cash, their stock into cash, etc.) обратить землю в деньги и т.д.; turn coins into paper money поменять звонкую монету на бумажные деньги; turn this piece of prose into verse переложить этот прозаический отрывок на стихи; turn this passage into Greek (a German letter into French, Latin into English, etc.) перевести этот отрывок на греческий язык и т.д.; turn smb. (in)to smb. turn her into a cinema star (the boy into a friend, our soldiers into a police force, etc.) сделать из нее кинозвезду и т.д.; turn a pessimist into an optimist превращать пессимиста в оптимиста; the fairy turned the prince into a frog фея превратила принца в лягушку id turn swords into ploughshares перековать мечи на орала
    8) turn smb., smth., against smb. turn the children against their father (everyone against the boy, his family against him, etc.) восстанавливать детей против отца и т.д.; turn friends against friends восстановить друзей друг против друга; it turns their argument against them это направляет их доводы против них самих
    9) turn smb., smth. from smth. turn smb. from his duty отвлекать кого-л. от исполнения своих обязанностей; nothing will ever turn him from his purpose ничто не заставит его изменять своему решению или отказаться от своей цели; turn a vessel from her course заставить судно отклониться от курса; turn the conversation from an unpleasant subject увести разговор от неприятной темы
    10) turn smth. out of /from/ smth. turn candlesticks out of /from/ brass вытачивать медные подсвечники
    12. XXII
    turn smb. by doing smth. the police turned the advancing crowd by firing over their heads полиция заставила наступающую толпу повернуть назад, начав стрельбу в воздух
    13. XXV
    turn when... (as if..., etc.) she turned when she saw us увидев нас, она отвернулась или свернула; he turned as if to go он повернулся, делая вид, что собирается уходить
    14. XXVI
    turn smth. when... she turns his shirt-collars when they get frayed она перевертывает воротнички его сорочек, когда они вытираются

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > turn

  • 3 turn

    1. noun

    it is somebody's turn to do something — jemand ist an der Reihe, etwas zu tun

    it's your turn [next] — du bist als nächster/nächste dran (ugs.) od. an der Reihe

    wait one's turn — warten, bis man an der Reihe ist

    your turn will come — du kommst auch [noch] an die Reihe

    he gave it to her, and she in turn passed it on to me — er gab es ihr, und sie wiederum reichte es an mich weiter

    out of turn(before or after one's turn) außer der Reihe; (fig.) an der falschen Stelle [lachen]

    excuse me if I'm talking out of turn(fig.) entschuldige, wenn ich etwas Unpassendes sage

    take [it in] turns — sich abwechseln

    take turns at doing something, take it in turns to do something — etwas abwechselnd tun

    2) (rotary motion) Drehung, die

    give the handle a turnden Griff [herum]drehen

    [done] to a turn — genau richtig [zubereitet]

    3) (change of direction) Wende, die

    take a turn to the right/left, do or make or take a right/left turn — nach rechts/links abbiegen

    ‘no left/right turn’ — "links/rechts abbiegen verboten!"

    the turn of the year/century — die Jahres-/Jahrhundertwende

    take a favourable turn(fig.) sich zum Guten wenden

    4) (deflection) Biegung, die
    5) (bend) Kurve, die; (corner) Ecke, die

    at every turn(fig.) (con- z stantly) ständig

    6) (short performance on stage etc.) Nummer, die

    turn of the tide — Gezeitenwechsel, der

    be of a mechanical/speculative turn — technisch begabt sein/einen Hang zum Spekulativen haben

    9) (literary): (formation) Rundung, die
    10) (form of expression)

    an elegant turn of speech/phrase — eine elegante Ausdrucksweise

    11) (service)

    do somebody a good/bad turn — jemandem einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen

    one good turn deserves another(prov.) hilfst du mir, so helf ich dir

    12) (coll.): (fright)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (make revolve) drehen

    turn the tapam Wasserhahn drehen

    turn the key in the lockden Schlüssel im Schloss herumdrehen

    2) (reverse) umdrehen; wenden [Pfannkuchen, Matratze, Auto, Heu, Teppich]; umgraben [Erde]

    turn something upside down or on its head — (lit. or fig.) etwas auf den Kopf stellen

    3) (give new direction to) drehen, wenden [Kopf]

    turn a hose/gun on somebody/something — einen Schlauch/ein Gewehr auf jemanden/etwas richten

    turn one's attention/mind to something — sich/seine Gedanken einer Sache (Dat.) zuwenden

    turn one's thoughts to a subject — sich [in Gedanken] mit einem Thema beschäftigen

    turn a car into a road — [mit einem Auto] in eine Straße einbiegen

    turn the tide [of something] — [bei etwas] den Ausschlag geben

    4) (send)

    turn somebody loose on somebody/something — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas loslassen

    turn somebody from one's door/off one's land — jemanden von seiner Tür/von seinem Land verjagen

    5) (cause to become) verwandeln

    turn a play/book into a film — ein Theaterstück/Buch verfilmen

    6) (make sour) sauer werden lassen [Milch]

    turn somebody's head(make conceited) jemandem zu Kopf steigen

    9) (shape in lathe) drechseln [Holz]; drehen [Metall]
    10) drehen [Pirouette]; schlagen [Rad, Purzelbaum]
    11) (reach the age of)

    turn 40 — 40 [Jahre alt] werden


    it's just turned 12 o'clock/quarter past 4 — es ist gerade 12 Uhr/viertel nach vier vorbei

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (revolve) sich drehen; [Wasserhahn, Schlüssel:] sich drehen lassen
    2) (reverse direction) [Person:] sich herumdrehen; [Auto:] wenden
    3) (take new direction) sich wenden; (turn round) sich umdrehen

    his thoughts/attention turned to her — er wandte ihr seine Gedanken/Aufmerksamkeit zu

    left/right turn! — (Mil.) links/rechts um!

    turn into a road/away from the river — in eine Straße einbiegen/vom Fluss abbiegen

    turn to the leftnach links abbiegen/[Schiff, Flugzeug:] abdrehen

    turn up/down a street — in eine Straße einbiegen

    when the tide turns — wenn die Ebbe/Flut kommt

    not know where or which way to turn — (fig.) keinen Ausweg [mehr] wissen

    my luck has turned(fig.) mein Glück hat sich gewendet

    4) (become) werden

    turn traitor/statesman/Muslim — zum Verräter/zum Staatsmann/Moslem werden

    turn [in]to something — zu etwas werden; (be transformed) sich in etwas (Akk.) verwandeln

    her face turned green — sie wurde [ganz] grün im Gesicht

    5) (change colour) [Laub:] sich [ver]färben
    6) (become sour) [Milch:] sauer werden
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/77106/turn_about">turn about
    - turn against
    - turn away
    - turn back
    - turn down
    - turn in
    - turn off
    - turn on
    - turn out
    - turn over
    - turn round
    - turn to
    - turn up
    - turn upon
    * * *
    [tə:n] 1. verb
    1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) (sich) drehen
    2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) sich (um-) drehen
    3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) eine Biegung machen
    4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) lenken
    5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) biegen um
    6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) (sich) verwandeln
    7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) werden (lassen)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) die Drehung
    2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) die Windung
    3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) die Abzweigung
    4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) die Reihe
    5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) die Programmnummer
    - turning-point
    - turnover
    - turnstile
    - turntable
    - turn-up
    - by turns
    - do someone a good turn
    - do a good turn
    - in turn
    - by turns
    - out of turn
    - speak out of turn
    - take a turn for the better
    - worse
    - take turns
    - turn a blind eye
    - turn against
    - turn away
    - turn back
    - turn down
    - turn in
    - turn loose
    - turn off
    - turn on
    - turn out
    - turn over
    - turn up
    * * *
    [tɜ:n, AM tɜ:rn]
    I. NOUN
    1. (rotation) of a wheel Drehung f
    give the screw a couple of \turns drehen Sie die Schraube einige Male um
    to give the handle a \turn den Griff [herum]drehen
    2. (change in direction: in road) Kurve f, SCHWEIZ a. Rank m fam; SPORT Wende f
    “no left/right \turn” „Links/Rechts abbiegen verboten“
    the path had many twists and \turns der Pfad wand und schlängelte sich dahin; ( fig)
    the novel has many twists and \turns of plot die Handlung des Romans ist total verwickelt fam; ( fig)
    things took an ugly turn die Sache nahm eine üble Wendung; ( fig)
    I find the \turn of events most unsatisfactory ich mag nicht, wie sich die Dinge gerade entwickeln
    to make a \turn abbiegen
    to make a wrong \turn falsch abbiegen
    to make a \turn to port/starboard NAUT nach Backbord/Steuerbord abdrehen
    to take a \turn [to the left/right] [nach links/rechts] abbiegen
    to take a \turn for the better/worse ( fig) sich zum Besseren/Schlechteren wenden [o SCHWEIZ meist kehren]
    she's taken a \turn for the worse since... mit ihr ist es ziemlich bergab gegangen, seit... fam
    to take a new \turn eine [ganz] neue Wendung nehmen
    the \turn of the century die Jahrhundertwende
    at the \turn of the century zur Jahrhundertwende
    at the \turn of the 19th century Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts
    the \turn of the tide der Gezeitenwechsel
    the tide was on the \turn die Flut/Ebbe setzte gerade ein; ( fig)
    the \turn of the tide occurred when... das Blatt wandte [o SCHWEIZ meist kehrte] sich, als...
    4. (allotted time)
    it's my \turn now! jetzt bin ich an der Reihe [o fam dran]!
    it's Jill's \turn next Jill kommt als Nächste dran
    it's your \turn to take out the rubbish du bist dran, den Abfall runter zu bringen
    your \turn will come! du kommst schon auch noch dran! fam; (in desperate situations) du wirst auch noch zum Zuge kommen! fam
    whose \turn is it? wer ist dran?
    I want everyone to take their \turn nicely without any fighting ich will, dass ihr euch schön abwechselt, ohne Streitereien
    you can have a \turn at the computer now Sie können jetzt den Computer benutzen
    to do sth in \turn [or by \turns] etw abwechselnd tun
    to miss a \turn eine Runde aussetzen
    to take \turns [or esp BRIT it in \turns] doing sth etw abwechselnd tun
    to take a \turn at the wheel für eine Weile das Steuer übernehmen
    to wait one's \turn warten, bis man an der Reihe ist
    in \turn wiederum
    she told Peter and he in \turn told me sie hat es Peter erzählt und er wiederum hat es dann mir erzählt
    he's all sweet and cold in \turns [or by turn[s]] er ist abwechselnd total nett und dann wieder total kalt fam
    5. ([dis]service)
    to do sb a good/bad \turn jdm einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen
    to do a good \turn eine gute Tat tun
    6. (odd sensation, shock) Schreck[en] m
    to give sb a \turn jdm einen gehörigen Schrecken einjagen
    7. (feeling of queasiness) Anfall m; ( fam)
    she was having one of her \turns sie hatte wieder einmal einen ihrer Anfälle
    to do comic \turns Sketche aufführen
    to perform a \turn eine Nummer aufführen
    9. (not appropriate)
    out of \turn:
    what you've just said was completely out of \turn was du da gerade gesagt hast, war wirklich völlig unpassend
    sorry, have I been talking out of \turn? tut mir leid, habe ich was Falsches gesagt?
    he really was speaking out of \turn es war völlig unangebracht, dass er sich dazu äußerte
    to be of a... \turn of mind einen Hang zu etw dat haben
    to be of a humorous \turn eine Frohnatur sein
    to have a logical \turn of mind ein logischer Mensch sein
    11. (stroll) Runde f
    to take a \turn [in the park] eine [kleine] Runde [durch den Park] drehen
    12. (round in coil, rope) Umwickelung f
    13. (expression well put together)
    a nice [or elegant] [or good] \turn of phrase elegante Ausdrucksweise; (wording) elegante Formulierung
    to have a nice \turn of phrase sich akk sehr gut ausdrücken können
    to serve sb's \turn jdm dienen
    that'll serve my \turn das ist gerade genau das Richtige für mich
    15. MUS Doppelschlag m
    16. STOCKEX Gewinnspanne f, Gewinn m, Courtage f
    jobber's \turn Courtage f
    17. (cooked perfectly)
    to be done [or cooked] to a \turn food gut durch[gebraten] sein
    18. no pl (card in poker game)
    the \turn AM bei Texas Hold 'Em (Pokerspiel): die vierte Karte, die alle Spieler zugeteilt bekommen
    at every \turn (continually) ständig; (again and again) jedes Mal
    to fight at every \turn mit aller Macht kämpfen
    one good \turn deserves another ( saying) eine Hand wäscht die andere
    to be on the \turn sich akk wandeln; milk einen Stich haben, sauer sein SCHWEIZ; leaves gelb werden
    a \turn of the screw eine weitere Verschärfung [einer Maßnahme]
    the raising of their rent was another \turn of the screw in the landlord's attempt to get them evicted die Mieterhöhung war ein weiterer Versuch, ihnen Daumenschrauben anzulegen und sie allmählich aus der Wohnung zu drängen
    to \turn sth knob, screw etw drehen
    he \turned the key quietly in the lock er drehte den Schlüssel vorsichtig im Schloss um
    she \turned the wheel sharply sie riss das Steuer herum
    2. (switch direction)
    to \turn sth:
    he \turned his head in surprise überrascht wendete er den Kopf
    my mother can still \turn heads nach meiner Mutter drehen sich die Männer noch immer um
    he \turned the car er wendete [o SCHWEIZ meist kehrte] den Wagen
    the little girl just \turned her back to her das kleine Mädchen wandte ihr einfach den Rücken zu
    she \turned the chair to the window so that she could look outside sie drehte den Stuhl zum Fenster, sodass sie hinausschauen konnte
    to \turn one's car into a road [in eine Straße] abbiegen
    to \turn round the corner um die Ecke biegen
    to \turn the course of history den Gang der Geschichte [ver]ändern
    to \turn one's eyes towards sb jdn anblicken
    to \turn somersaults einen Purzelbaum schlagen; SPORT einen Salto machen; ( fig)
    he \turned somersaults in his joy er machte vor Freude Luftsprünge
    to \turn sth on sb lamp, hose etw auf jdn richten
    she \turned her full anger onto him ihr ganzer Zorn richtete sich gegen ihn
    the stranger \turned a hostile stare on him der Fremde warf ihm einen feindseligen Blick zu
    to \turn one's attention [or mind] to sth seine Aufmerksamkeit etw dat zuwenden
    to \turn a gun on sb ein Gewehr auf jdn richten
    to \turn one's steps homewards sich akk nach Hause begeben
    to \turn one's thoughts to sth sich akk etw dat zuwenden
    4. (sprain)
    to \turn sth sich dat etw verrenken
    to \turn one's ankle sich dat den Knöchel verrenken
    to \turn sb/sth sth:
    the shock \turned her hair grey overnight durch den Schock wurde sie über Nacht grau
    the cigarette smoke had \turned the walls grey durch den Zigarettenrauch waren die Wände ganz grau geworden
    the hot weather has \turned the milk sour durch die Hitze ist die Milch sauer geworden
    the news \turned her pale als sie die Nachricht hörte, wurde sie ganz bleich
    his comment \turned her angry sein Kommentar verärgerte sie
    6. (cause to feel nauseous)
    to \turn sb's stomach jdn den Magen umdrehen
    the smell \turned her stomach bei dem Gestank drehte sich ihr der Magen um
    to \turn sth/sb into sth etw/jdn in etw akk umwandeln
    the wizard \turned the ungrateful prince into a frog der Zauberer verwandelte den undankbaren Prinzen in einen Frosch
    to \turn a book into a film ein Buch verfilmen
    to \turn sth into German/English etw ins Deutsche/Englische übertragen
    to \turn the light[s] low das Licht dämpfen
    to \turn sth garment, mattress etw wenden [o umdrehen] [o SCHWEIZ meist kehren]
    to \turn the page umblättern
    to \turn sth inside out bag etw umdrehen, von etw dat das Innere nach Außen kehren
    9. (gain)
    to \turn a profit einen Gewinn machen
    10. (send)
    to \turn a dog on sb einen Hund auf jdn hetzen
    to \turn sb loose on sth jdn auf etw akk loslassen
    to be \turned loose losgelassen werden akk
    11. (stop sb)
    to \turn sb from sth jdn von etw dat abbringen
    12. TECH (create by rotating)
    to \turn sth wood etw drechseln; metal etw drehen
    to be able to \turn one's hand to anything ein Händchen für alles haben
    to \turn one's back on sb/sth sich akk von jdm/etw abwenden fig
    it is time for you to \turn your back on childish pursuits es wird langsam Zeit, dass du deine kindischen Spiele hinter dir lässt
    to \turn a blind eye sich akk blind stellen
    to \turn a blind eye to sth die Augen vor etw dat verschließen
    to \turn the other cheek die andere Wange hinhalten fig
    to \turn the corner [allmählich] über dem Berg sein
    to \turn a deaf ear [to sth] sich akk [gegenüber etw dat] taub stellen
    to not \turn a hair keine Miene verziehen
    without \turning a hair... ohne auch nur mit der Wimper zu zucken
    to \turn one's hand to sth sich akk in etw dat versuchen
    to \turn sb's head jdm den Kopf verdrehen
    sth has \turned sb's head etw ist jdm zu Kopf[e] gestiegen
    to \turn sth on its head etw [vollkommen] auf den Kopf stellen
    to know how to \turn a compliment wissen, wie man Komplimente macht
    to \turn a phrase sprachgewandt sein
    to \turn the spotlight on sb/sth die [allgemeine] Aufmerksamkeit auf jdn/etw lenken
    to \turn the tables [on sb] den Spieß umdrehen [o SCHWEIZ meist umkehren]
    to \turn tail and run auf der Stelle kehrtmachen und die Flucht ergreifen
    to \turn a trick prostitute sich akk prostituieren
    to \turn sth upside down [or inside out] etw gründlich durchsuchen; room etw auf den Kopf stellen fam
    1. (rotate) sich drehen; person sich akk umdrehen
    this tap won't \turn dieser Hahn lässt sich nicht drehen
    to \turn on sth sich akk um etw akk drehen
    the ballerina \turned on her toes die Ballerina drehte auf den Zehenspitzen Pirouetten
    the chickens were being \turned on a spit die Hähnchen wurden auf einem Spieß gedreht
    the earth \turns on its axis die Erde dreht sich um ihre Achse
    to \turn to sb sich akk zu jdm [um]drehen
    to \turn upside down boat umkippen; car sich überschlagen
    2. (switch the direction faced) person sich akk umdrehen; car wenden, SCHWEIZ meist kehren; (in bend) abbiegen; wind drehen; ( fig) SCHWEIZ meist kehren; ( fig) sich akk wenden
    she \turned onto the highway sie bog auf die Autobahn ab
    she \turned into a little street sie bog in ein Sträßchen ein
    heads still \turn when she walks along die Männer schauen ihr noch immer nach
    when the tide \turns (high tide) wenn die Flut kommt; (low tide) wenn es Ebbe wird; ( fig) wenn sich das Blatt wendet [o SCHWEIZ meist kehrt]
    the path down the mountain twisted and \turned der Pfad schlängelte sich den Berghang hinab
    to \turn on one's heel auf dem Absatz kehrtmachen
    to \turn right/left [nach] rechts/links abbiegen; ship nach rechts/links abdrehen; MIL
    \turn right! rechts um!
    to \turn towards sb/sth sich akk zu jdm/etw umdrehen; (turn attention to) sich akk jdm/etw zuwenden
    plants \turn toward the light Pflanzen wenden sich dem Licht zu
    to \turn to sb [for sth] sich akk [wegen einer S. gen] an jdn wenden
    he has no one to \turn to er hat niemanden, an den er sich wenden kann
    he \turned to me for help er wandte sich an mich und bat um Hilfe
    I don't know which way to \turn ich weiß keinen Ausweg mehr
    to \turn to drink sich akk in den Alkohol flüchten
    to \turn to God sich akk Gott zuwenden
    to \turn to sb for money jdn um Geld bitten
    4. (change) werden; milk sauer werden; leaves gelb werden, sich verfärben
    his mood \turned quite nasty er wurde richtig schlecht gelaunt
    his face \turned green er wurde ganz grün im Gesicht fam
    my hair is \turning grey! ich kriege graue Haare!
    the friendship between the two neighbours \turned sour das freundschaftliche Verhältnis zwischen den beiden Nachbarn kühlte sich erheblich ab
    my luck has \turned das Blatt hat sich gewandt
    to \turn informer/traitor zum Informanten/zur Informantin/zum Verräter/zur Verräterin werden
    to \turn Muslim Muslim werden
    to \turn cold/warm/pale kalt/warm/blass werden
    to \turn red person, traffic lights rot werden
    to \turn into sth zu etw dat werden
    the frog \turned into a handsome prince der Frosch verwandelte sich in einen schönen Prinzen
    he \turned from a sweet boy into a sullen brat aus dem süßen kleinen Jungen wurde ein mürrischer Flegel
    all this \turned into a nightmare das alles ist zum Albtraum geworden
    when there's a full moon, he \turns into a werewolf bei Vollmond verwandelt er sich in einen Werwolf
    to \turn to sth conversation, subject sich akk etw dat zuwenden
    my thoughts \turned to him and his family meine Gedanken gingen an ihn und seine Familie
    6. (attain particular age)
    to \turn 20/40 20/40 werden
    7. (pass particular hour)
    it had already \turned eleven es war schon kurz nach elf
    it has just \turned past five o'clock es ist gerade fünf vorbei
    just as it \turned midnight... genau um Mitternacht...
    8. (make feel sick)
    my stomach \turned at the grisly sight bei dem grässlichen Anblick drehte sich mir der Magen um
    this smell makes my stomach \turn bei diesem Geruch dreht sich mir der Magen um
    to \turn on a dime AM auf der Stelle kehrt machen
    to \turn [over] in one's grave sich akk im Grabe umdrehen
    to \turn tattle-tail AM ( usu childspeak fam) petzen fam, SCHWEIZ a. rätschen fam, ÖSTERR a. tratschen fam
    * * *
    turn1 [tɜːn; US tɜrn]
    A s
    1. Drehung f:
    give sth a turn (two turns) etwas (zweimal) drehen;
    be done to a turn GASTR gerade richtig durchgebraten sein; wheel A 7
    2. Turnus m, Reihe(nfolge) f:
    turn (and turn) about reihum, abwechselnd, wechselweise;
    she was laughing and crying by turns sie lachte und weinte abwechselnd;
    a) der Reihe nach,
    b) dann wieder;
    in his turn seinerseits;
    speak out of turn fig unpassende Bemerkungen machen;
    I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn ich habe doch nichts Falsches gesagt?;
    now it is my turn jetzt bin ich dran oder an der Reihe;
    then it was my turn to be astonished dann war ich erstaunt;
    whose turn is it to do the dishes? wer ist mit dem Abspülen dran?;
    my turn will come fig meine Zeit kommt auch noch, ich komme schon noch dran;
    take turns sich abwechseln (at bei);
    we took turns at driving auch wir fuhren abwechselnd;
    take one’s turn handeln, wenn die Reihe an einen kommt;
    wait your turn warte, bis du an der Reihe oder dran bist!
    3. Drehen n, Wendung f:
    turn to the left Linkswendung
    4. Wendepunkt m (auch fig)
    5. a) Biegung f, Kurve f, Kehre f
    b) turning 4 b:
    at every turn ständig, überall
    6. SPORT
    a) Turnen: Drehung f
    b) Schwimmen: Wende f:
    at the turn an oder bei der Wende,
    c) Skisport: Wende f, Kehre f, Schwung m
    d) Eis-, Rollkunstlauf: Kehre f, Kurve f
    7. Krümmung f ( auch MATH)
    8. Wendung f:
    a) Umkehr f:
    be on the turn SCHIFF umschlagen (Gezeiten) ( A 29); tide1 A 1
    b) Richtung f, (Ver)Lauf m:
    take a turn for the better (worse) sich bessern (sich verschlimmern);
    take an interesting turn eine interessante Wendung nehmen (Gespräch etc),
    c) (Glücks-, Zeiten- etc)Wende f, Wechsel m, Umschwung m:
    a turn in one’s luck eine Glücks- oder Schicksalswende;
    turn of the century Jahrhundertwende;
    turn of life Lebenswende, MED Wechseljahre pl (der Frau)
    9. Ausschlag(en) m(n) (einer Waage)
    10. (Arbeits)Schicht f
    11. Tour f, (einzelne) Windung (einer Bandage, eines Kabels etc)
    12. (kurzer) Spaziergang, Runde f:
    take a turn einen Spaziergang machen
    13. kurze Fahrt, Spritztour f
    14. SCHIFF Törn m
    15. (Rede)Wendung f, Formulierung f
    16. Form f, Gestalt f, Beschaffenheit f
    17. Art f, Charakter m:
    turn (of mind) Denkart f, -weise f
    18. (for, to) Neigung f, Hang m, Talent n (zu), Sinn m (für):
    practical turn praktische Veranlagung;
    have a turn for languages sprachbegabt sein;
    be of a humorous turn Sinn für Humor haben
    b) Dienst m, Gefallen m:
    do sb a good ( a bad oder an ill) turn jemandem einen guten (schlechten) Dienst erweisen;
    do sb a good turn auch jemandem einen Gefallen tun oder einen Freundschaftsdienst erweisen;
    one good turn deserves another (Sprichwort) eine Liebe ist der anderen wert
    20. (kurze) Beschäftigung:
    turn (of work) (Stück n) Arbeit f;
    take a turn at sth es kurz mit etwas versuchen
    21. MED
    a) Taumel m, Schwindel m
    b) Anfall m
    22. umg Schock m, Schrecken m:
    give sb (quite) a turn jemanden (ganz schön) erschrecken
    23. Zweck m:
    this will serve your turn das wird dir nützlich sein;
    this won’t serve my turn damit ist mir nicht gedient
    25. MUS Doppelschlag m
    26. THEAT besonders Br (Programm)Nummer f
    27. MIL (Kehrt)Wendung f, Schwenkung f:
    left (right) turn! Br links-(rechts)um!;
    about turn! Br ganze Abteilung kehrt!
    28. TYPO Fliegenkopf m (umgedrehter Buchstabe)
    29. be on the turn am Sauerwerden sein (Milch) ( A 8)
    B v/t
    2. einen Schlüssel, eine Schraube etc, auch einen Patienten (um-, herum)drehen
    3. auch ein Kleidungsstück wenden, etwas umkehren, -stülpen, -drehen, einen Agenten umdrehen:
    it turned my stomach mir drehte sich dabei der Magen um; head Bes Redew
    4. ein Blatt, eine Buchseite umdrehen, -wenden, -blättern:
    turn the page umblättern
    5. BAHN eine Weiche, TECH einen Hebel umlegen
    6. AGR den Boden umgraben, -pflügen
    7. zuwenden, -drehen, -kehren ( alle:
    to dat)
    8. den Blick, die Kamera, seine Schritte etc wenden, auch seine Gedanken, sein Verlangen richten, lenken ( alle:
    against gegen;
    on auf akk;
    toward[s] auf akk, nach):
    turn the hose on the fire den Schlauch auf das Feuer richten;
    turn one’s steps home die Schritte heimwärts lenken; attention 1
    9. a) um-, ab-, weglenken, -leiten, -wenden:
    turn a shot round the post SPORT einen Schuss um den Pfosten drehen,
    b) ein Geschoss etc abwenden, abhalten
    10. jemanden umstimmen, abbringen ( from von)
    11. die Richtung ändern, eine neue Richtung geben (dat)
    12. das Gesprächsthema wechseln
    13. a) eine Waage etc zum Ausschlagen bringen
    b) fig ausschlaggebend sein bei:
    turn an election bei einer Wahl den Ausschlag geben; scale2 A 1
    14. verwandeln ( into in akk):
    turn a firm into a joint-stock company eine Firma in eine Aktiengesellschaft umwandeln;
    turn into cash flüssigmachen, zu Geld machen;
    turn one’s superiority into goals SPORT seine Überlegenheit in Tore ummünzen
    15. machen, werden lassen ( beide:
    into zu):
    a) bes US jemanden krank machen,
    b) jemandem Übelkeit verursachen;
    it turned her pale es ließ sie erblassen
    16. auch turn sour Milch sauer werden lassen
    17. die Blätter, das Laub verfärben
    18. einen Text übertragen, -setzen ( beide:
    into Italian ins Italienische)
    19. herumgehen oder biegen um: corner A 1
    20. MIL
    a) umgehen, umfassen
    b) die feindliche Flanke etc aufrollen
    21. hinausgehen oder hinaus sein über (akk):
    he is just turning ( oder has just turned) 50 er ist gerade 50 geworden
    22. TECH
    a) drehen
    b) Holzwaren drechseln
    c) Glas marbeln, rollen
    23. auch fig formen, gestalten, (kunstvoll) bilden, Komplimente, Verse etc drechseln:
    a well-turned ankle ein wohlgeformtes Fußgelenk;
    turn a phrase einen Satz bilden oder formen oder feilen
    24. WIRTSCH verdienen, umsetzen
    25. eine Messerschneide etc
    a) um-, verbiegen
    b) stumpf machen:
    turn the edge ( oder point) of fig einer Bemerkung etc die Spitze nehmen
    26. einen Salto machen, einen Purzelbaum schlagen
    a) freilassen,
    b) einen Hund etc loslassen (on auf akk)
    C v/i
    1. sich drehen (lassen), sich (im Kreis) (herum)drehen (Rad etc)
    2. sich drehen oder hin- und herbewegen (lassen) (Wasserhahn etc)
    3. umdrehen, -wenden, besonders (in einem Buch) (um)blättern
    4. sich (ab-, hin-, zu-)wenden: turn to A
    5. sich (stehend, liegend etc) (um-, herum)drehen: grave1 1
    6. a) SCHIFF, AUTO wenden, SCHIFF (ab)drehen
    b) FLUG, AUTO kurven, eine Kurve machen
    7. AUTO etc einbiegen ( into in akk), (ab)biegen:
    turn right nach rechts abbiegen;
    I don’t know which way to turn fig ich weiß nicht, was ich machen soll
    8. eine Biegung machen (Straße, Wasserlauf etc)
    9. sich krümmen oder winden: worm A 1
    10. zurückschlagen oder -prallen oder fig -fallen ( alle:
    on auf akk)
    11. sich umdrehen:
    a) sich um 180° drehen
    b) zurückschauen
    12. sich umdrehen oder umwenden (lassen), sich umstülpen:
    my umbrella turned inside out mein Regenschirm stülpte sich um;
    my stomach turned at this sight, this sight made my stomach turn bei diesem Anblick drehte sich mir der Magen um
    13. my head is turning mir dreht sich alles im Kopf;
    his head turned with the success der Erfolg stieg ihm zu Kopf
    14. sich (ver)wandeln (into, to in akk), umschlagen (besonders Wetter):
    15. blass, kalt etc werden:
    turn blue blau anlaufen;
    turn (sour) sauer werden (Milch);
    turn traitor zum Verräter werden
    16. sich verfärben (Blätter, Laub)
    17. sich wenden (Gezeiten): tide1 A 1
    18. TECH sich drehen oder drechseln oder (ver)formen lassen
    turn2 [tɜrn] v/i SPORT US turnen
    * * *
    1. noun

    it is somebody's turn to do something — jemand ist an der Reihe, etwas zu tun

    it's your turn [next] — du bist als nächster/nächste dran (ugs.) od. an der Reihe

    wait one's turn — warten, bis man an der Reihe ist

    your turn will come — du kommst auch [noch] an die Reihe

    he gave it to her, and she in turn passed it on to me — er gab es ihr, und sie wiederum reichte es an mich weiter

    out of turn (before or after one's turn) außer der Reihe; (fig.) an der falschen Stelle [lachen]

    excuse me if I'm talking out of turn(fig.) entschuldige, wenn ich etwas Unpassendes sage

    take [it in] turns — sich abwechseln

    take turns at doing something, take it in turns to do something — etwas abwechselnd tun

    2) (rotary motion) Drehung, die

    give the handle a turn — den Griff [herum]drehen

    [done] to a turn — genau richtig [zubereitet]

    3) (change of direction) Wende, die

    take a turn to the right/left, do or make or take a right/left turn — nach rechts/links abbiegen

    ‘no left/right turn’ — "links/rechts abbiegen verboten!"

    the turn of the year/century — die Jahres-/Jahrhundertwende

    take a favourable turn(fig.) sich zum Guten wenden

    4) (deflection) Biegung, die
    5) (bend) Kurve, die; (corner) Ecke, die

    at every turn(fig.) (con- z stantly) ständig

    6) (short performance on stage etc.) Nummer, die

    turn of the tide — Gezeitenwechsel, der

    be of a mechanical/speculative turn — technisch begabt sein/einen Hang zum Spekulativen haben

    9) (literary): (formation) Rundung, die

    an elegant turn of speech/phrase — eine elegante Ausdrucksweise

    do somebody a good/bad turn — jemandem einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen

    one good turn deserves another(prov.) hilfst du mir, so helf ich dir

    12) (coll.): (fright)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (make revolve) drehen
    2) (reverse) umdrehen; wenden [Pfannkuchen, Matratze, Auto, Heu, Teppich]; umgraben [Erde]

    turn something upside down or on its head — (lit. or fig.) etwas auf den Kopf stellen

    3) (give new direction to) drehen, wenden [Kopf]

    turn a hose/gun on somebody/something — einen Schlauch/ein Gewehr auf jemanden/etwas richten

    turn one's attention/mind to something — sich/seine Gedanken einer Sache (Dat.) zuwenden

    turn one's thoughts to a subject — sich [in Gedanken] mit einem Thema beschäftigen

    turn a car into a road — [mit einem Auto] in eine Straße einbiegen

    turn the tide [of something] — [bei etwas] den Ausschlag geben

    turn somebody loose on somebody/something — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas loslassen

    turn somebody from one's door/off one's land — jemanden von seiner Tür/von seinem Land verjagen

    5) (cause to become) verwandeln

    turn a play/book into a film — ein Theaterstück/Buch verfilmen

    6) (make sour) sauer werden lassen [Milch]

    turn somebody's head (make conceited) jemandem zu Kopf steigen

    9) (shape in lathe) drechseln [Holz]; drehen [Metall]
    10) drehen [Pirouette]; schlagen [Rad, Purzelbaum]

    turn 40 — 40 [Jahre alt] werden


    it's just turned 12 o'clock/quarter past 4 — es ist gerade 12 Uhr/viertel nach vier vorbei

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (revolve) sich drehen; [Wasserhahn, Schlüssel:] sich drehen lassen
    2) (reverse direction) [Person:] sich herumdrehen; [Auto:] wenden
    3) (take new direction) sich wenden; (turn round) sich umdrehen

    his thoughts/attention turned to her — er wandte ihr seine Gedanken/Aufmerksamkeit zu

    left/right turn! — (Mil.) links/rechts um!

    turn into a road/away from the river — in eine Straße einbiegen/vom Fluss abbiegen

    turn to the left — nach links abbiegen/[Schiff, Flugzeug:] abdrehen

    turn up/down a street — in eine Straße einbiegen

    when the tide turns — wenn die Ebbe/Flut kommt

    not know where or which way to turn — (fig.) keinen Ausweg [mehr] wissen

    my luck has turned(fig.) mein Glück hat sich gewendet

    4) (become) werden

    turn traitor/statesman/Muslim — zum Verräter/zum Staatsmann/Moslem werden

    turn [in]to something — zu etwas werden; (be transformed) sich in etwas (Akk.) verwandeln

    her face turned green — sie wurde [ganz] grün im Gesicht

    5) (change colour) [Laub:] sich [ver]färben
    6) (become sour) [Milch:] sauer werden
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (over) v.
    wenden v.
    (§ p.,pp.: wandte (wendete), gewandt (gewendet)) (round) to face (look at)
    someone expr.
    = jemandem das Gesicht zuwenden ausdr. v.
    drehen v.
    rotieren v.
    umwenden v. n.
    Drehbewegung f.
    Drehung -en f.
    Umdrehung f.
    Wendung -en f.

    English-german dictionary > turn

  • 4 turn

    [tɜ:n, Am tɜ:rn] n
    1) ( rotation) of a wheel Drehung f;
    give the screw a couple of \turns drehen Sie die Schraube einige Male um;
    to give the handle a \turn den Griff [herum]drehen
    2) (change in direction: in road) Kurve f; sports Wende f;
    ‘no left/right \turn’ „Links/Recht abbiegen verboten“;
    the path had many twists and \turns der Pfad wand und schlängelte sich dahin; ( fig)
    the novel has many twists and \turns of plot die Handlung des Romans ist total verwickelt ( fam) ( fig)
    things took an ugly turn die Sache nahm eine üble Wendung; ( fig)
    I find the \turn of events most unsatisfactory ich mag nicht, wie sich die Dinge gerade entwickeln;
    to make a \turn abbiegen;
    to make a wrong \turn falsch abbiegen;
    to make a \turn to port/ starboard naut nach Backboard/Steuerbord abdrehen;
    to take a \turn [to the left/right] [nach links/rechts] abbiegen;
    to take a \turn for the better/ worse ( fig) sich zum Besseren/Schlechteren wenden;
    she's taken a \turn for the worse since... mit ihr ist es ziemlich bergab gegangen, seit... ( fam)
    to take a new \turn eine [ganz] neue Wendung nehmen
    the \turn of the century die Jahrhundertwende;
    at the \turn of the century zur Jahrhundertwende;
    at the \turn of the 19th century Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts;
    the \turn of the tide der Gezeitenwechsel;
    the tide was on the \turn die Flut/Ebbe setzte gerade ein; ( fig)
    the \turn of the tide occurred when... das Blatt wandte sich, als...
    it's my \turn now! jetzt bin ich an der Reihe [o ( fam) dran] !;
    it's Jill's \turn next Jill kommt als Nächste dran;
    your \turn will come! du kommst schon auch noch dran! ( fam) ( in desperate situations) du wirst auch noch zum Zuge kommen! ( fam)
    whose \turn is it? wer ist dran?;
    I want everyone to take their \turn nicely without any fighting ich will, dass ihr euch schön abwechselt, ohne Streitereien;
    you can have a \turn at the computer now Sie können jetzt den Computer benutzen;
    to do sth in \turn [or by \turns] etw abwechselnd tun;
    to miss a \turn eine Runde aussetzen;
    to take \turns [or ( esp Brit) it in \turns] doing sth etw abwechselnd tun;
    to take a \turn at the wheel für eine Weile das Steuer übernehmen;
    to wait one's \turn warten, bis man an der Reihe ist;
    in \turn wiederum;
    she told Peter and he in \turn told me sie hat es Peter erzählt und er wiederum hat es dann mir erzählt;
    he's all sweet and cold in \turns [or by turn[s]] er ist abwechselnd total nett und dann wieder total kalt ( fam)
    5) ([dis]service)
    to do sb a good/bad \turn jdm einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen;
    to do a good \turn eine gute Tat tun
    6) (odd sensation, shock) Schreck[en] m;
    to give sb a \turn jdm einen gehörigen Schrecken einjagen
    7) ( feeling of queasiness) Anfall m ( fam);
    she was having one of her \turns sie hatte wieder einmal einen ihrer Anfälle
    8) ( performance on stage) Nummer f;
    to do comic \turns Sketche aufführen;
    to perform a \turn eine Nummer aufführen
    out of \turn;
    what you've just said was completely out of \turn was du da gerade gesagt hast, war wirklich völlig unpassend;
    sorry, have I been talking out of \turn? tut mir leid, habe ich was Falsches gesagt?;
    he really was speaking out of \turn es war völlig unangebracht, dass er sich dazu äußerte
    to be of a... \turn of mind einen Hang zu etw dat haben;
    to be of a humorous \turn eine Frohnatur sein;
    to have a logical \turn of mind ein logischer Mensch sein
    11) ( stroll) Runde f;
    to take a \turn [in the park] eine [kleine] Runde [durch den Park] drehen
    12) (round in coil, rope) Umwickelung f
    a nice [or elegant] [or good] \turn of phrase elegante Ausdrucksweise;
    ( wording) elegante Formulierung;
    to have a nice \turn of phrase sich akk sehr gut ausdrücken können
    to serve sb's \turn jdm dienen;
    that'll serve my \turn das ist gerade genau das Richtige für mich
    15) mus Doppelschlag m
    16) stockex Gewinnspanne f
    to be done [or cooked] to a \turn food gut durch[gebraten] sein
    a \turn of the screw eine weitere Verschärfung [einer Maßnahme];
    the raising of their rent was another \turn of the screw in the landlord's attempt to get them evicted die Mieterhöhung war ein weiterer Versuch, ihnen Daumenschrauben anzulegen und sie allmählich aus der Wohnung zu drängen;
    at every \turn ( continually) ständig;
    ( again and again) jedes Mal;
    to fight at every \turn mit aller Macht kämpfen;
    one good \turn deserves another (\turn deserves another) eine Hand wäscht die andere;
    to be on the \turn sich akk wandeln; milk einen Stich haben; leaves gelb werden vt
    1) (rotate, cause to rotate)
    to \turn sth knob, screw etw drehen;
    he \turned the key quietly in the lock er drehte den Schlüssel vorsichtig im Schloss um;
    she \turned the wheel sharply sie riss das Steuer herum
    to \turn sth;
    he \turned his head in surprise überrascht wendete er den Kopf;
    my mother can still \turn heads nach meiner Mutter drehen sich die Männer noch immer um;
    he \turned the car er wendete den Wagen;
    the little girl just \turned her back to her das kleine Mädchen wandte ihr einfach den Rücken zu;
    she \turned the chair to the window so that she could look outside sie drehte den Stuhl zum Fenster, so dass sie hinausschauen konnte;
    to \turn one's car into a road [in eine Straße] abbiegen;
    to \turn round the corner um die Ecke biegen;
    to \turn the course of history den Gang der Geschichte [ver]ändern;
    to \turn one's eyes towards sb jdn anblicken;
    to \turn somersaults einen Purzelbaum schlagen; sports einen Salto machen; ( fig)
    he \turned somersaults in his joy er machte vor Freude Luftsprünge
    3) ( aim)
    to \turn sth on sb lamp, hose etw auf jdn richten;
    she \turned her full anger onto him ihr ganzer Zorn richtete sich gegen ihn;
    the stranger \turned a hostile stare on him der Fremde warf ihm einen feindseligen Blick zu;
    to \turn one's attention [or mind] to sth seine Aufmerksamkeit etw dat zuwenden;
    to \turn a gun on sb ein Gewehr auf jdn richten;
    to \turn one's steps homewards sich akk nach Hause begeben;
    to \turn one's thoughts to sth sich akk etw dat zuwenden
    4) ( sprain)
    to \turn sth sich dat etw verrenken;
    to \turn one's ankle sich dat den Knöchel verrenken
    5) + adj ( cause to become)
    to \turn sb/ sth sth;
    the shock \turned her hair grey overnight durch den Schock wurde sie über Nacht grau;
    the cigarette smoke had \turned the walls grey durch den Zigarettenrauch waren die Wände ganz grau geworden;
    the hot weather has \turned the milk sour durch die Hitze ist die Milch sauer geworden;
    the news \turned her pale als sie die Nachricht hörte, wurde sie ganz bleich;
    his comment \turned her angry sein Kommentar verärgerte sie
    to \turn sb's stomach jdn den Magen umdrehen;
    the smell \turned her stomach bei dem Gestank drehte sich ihr der Magen um
    7) ( change)
    to \turn sth/ sb into sth etw/jdn in etw akk umwandeln;
    the wizard \turned the ungrateful prince into a frog der Zauberer verwandelte den undankbaren Prinzen in einen Frosch;
    to \turn a book into a film ein Buch verfilmen;
    to \turn sth into German/ English etw ins Deutsche/Englische übertragen;
    to \turn the light[s] low das Licht dämpfen
    8) ( reverse)
    to \turn sth garment, mattress etw wenden [o umdrehen];
    to \turn the page umblättern;
    to \turn sth inside out bag etw umdrehen, von etw dat das Innere nach Außen kehren
    9) ( gain)
    to \turn a profit einen Gewinn machen
    10) ( send)
    to \turn a dog on sb einen Hund auf jdn hetzen;
    to \turn sb loose on sth jdn auf etw akk loslassen;
    to be \turned loose losgelassen werden akk
    to \turn sb from sth jdn von etw dat abbringen
    to \turn sth wood etw drechseln; metal etw drehen
    to \turn one's back on sb/ sth sich akk von jdm/etw abwenden ( fig)
    it is time for you to \turn your back on childish pursuits es wird langsam Zeit, dass du deine kindischen Spiele hinter dir lässt;
    to \turn the other cheek die andere Wange hinhalten ( fig)
    to know how to \turn a compliment wissen, wie man Komplimente macht;
    to \turn the corner [allmählich] über dem Berg sein;
    to \turn a deaf ear [to sth] sich akk [gegenüber etw dat] taub stellen;
    to \turn a blind eye sich akk blind stellen;
    to \turn a blind eye to sth die Augen vor etw dat verschließen;
    to not \turn a hair keine Miene verziehen;
    without \turning a hair... ohne auch nur mit der Wimper zu zucken;
    to \turn one's hand to sth sich akk in etw dat versuchen;
    to be able to \turn one's hand to anything ein Händchen für alles haben;
    to \turn sb's head jdm den Kopf verdrehen;
    sth has \turned sb's head etw ist jdm zu Kopf[e] gestiegen;
    to \turn sth on its head etw [vollkommen] auf den Kopf stellen;
    to \turn a phrase sprachgewandt sein;
    to \turn the spotlight on sb/ sth die [allgemeine] Aufmerksamkeit auf jdn/etw lenken;
    to \turn the tables [on sb] den Spieß umdrehen;
    to \turn tail and run auf der Stelle kehrtmachen und die Flucht ergreifen;
    to \turn a trick prostitute sich akk prostituieren;
    to \turn sth upside down [or inside out] etw gründlich durchsuchen; room etw auf den Kopf stellen ( fam) vi
    1) ( rotate) sich drehen; person sich akk umdrehen;
    this tap won't \turn dieser Hahn lässt sich nicht drehen;
    to \turn on sth sich akk um etw akk drehen;
    the ballerina \turned on her toes die Ballerina drehte auf den Zehenspitzen Pirouetten;
    the chickens were being \turned on a spit die Hähnchen wurden auf einem Spieß gedreht;
    the earth \turns on its axis die Erde dreht sich um ihre Achse;
    to \turn to sb sich akk zu jdm [um]drehen;
    to \turn upside down boat umkippen; car sich überschlagen
    2) ( switch the direction faced) person sich akk umdrehen; car wenden;
    ( in bend) abbiegen; wind drehen; ( fig) sich akk wenden;
    she \turned onto the highway sie bog auf die Autobahn ab;
    she \turned into a little street sie bog in ein Sträßchen ein;
    heads still \turn when she walks along die Männer schauen ihr noch immer nach;
    when the tide \turns ( high tide) wenn die Flut kommt;
    ( low tide) wenn es Ebbe wird; ( fig) wenn sich das Blatt wendet;
    the path down the mountain twisted and \turned der Pfad schlängelte sich den Berghang hinab;
    to \turn on one's heel auf dem Absatz kehrtmachen;
    to \turn right/ left [nach] rechts/links abbiegen; ship nach rechts/links abdrehen mil
    \turn right! rechts um!;
    to \turn towards sb/ sth sich akk zu jdm/etw umdrehen;
    ( turn attention to) sich akk jdm/etw zuwenden;
    plants \turn toward the light Pflanzen wenden sich dem Licht zu;
    to \turn to sb [for sth] sich akk [wegen einer S. gen] an jdn wenden;
    he has no one to \turn to er hat niemanden, an den er sich wenden kann;
    he \turned to me for help er wandte sich an mich und bat um Hilfe;
    I don't know which way to \turn ich weiß keinen Ausweg mehr;
    to \turn to drink sich akk in den Alkohol flüchten;
    to \turn to God sich akk Gott zuwenden;
    to \turn to sb for money jdn um Geld bitten
    4) ( change) werden; milk sauer werden; leaves gelb werden, sich verfärben;
    his mood \turned quite nasty er wurde richtig schlecht gelaunt;
    his face \turned green er wurde ganz grün im Gesicht ( fam)
    my hair is \turning grey! ich kriege graue Haare!;
    the friendship between the two neighbours \turned sour das freundschaftliche Verhältnis zwischen den beiden Nachbarn kühlte sich erheblich ab;
    my luck has \turned das Blatt hat sich gewandt;
    to \turn informer/ traitor zum Informanten/zur Informantin/zum Verräter/zur Verräterin werden;
    to \turn Muslim Muslim werden;
    to \turn cold/ warm/ pale kalt/warm/blass werden;
    to \turn red person, traffic lights rot werden;
    to \turn into sth zu etw dat werden;
    the frog \turned into a handsome prince der Frosch verwandelte sich in einen schönen Prinzen;
    he \turned from a sweet boy into a sullen brat aus dem süßen kleinen Jungen wurde ein mürrischer Flegel;
    all this \turned into a nightmare das alles ist zum Albtraum geworden;
    when there's a full moon, he \turns into a werewolf bei Vollmond verwandelt er sich in einen Werwolf
    to \turn to sth conversation, subject sich akk etw dat zuwenden;
    my thoughts \turned to him and his family meine Gedanken gingen an ihn und seine Familie
    to \turn 20/40 20/40 werden
    it had already \turned eleven es war schon kurz nach elf;
    it has just \turned past five o'clock es ist gerade fünf vorbei;
    just as it \turned midnight... genau um Mitternacht...
    my stomach \turned at the grisly sight bei dem grässlichen Anblick drehte sich mir der Magen um;
    this smell makes my stomach \turn bei diesem Geruch dreht sich mir der Magen um
    to \turn on a dime (Am) auf der Stelle kehrt machen;
    to \turn [over] in one's grave sich akk im Grabe umdrehen;
    to \turn tattle-tail (Am) ( usu childspeak) ( fam) petzen ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > turn

  • 5 face

    face [feɪs]
    1 noun
    (a) (part of body) visage m, figure f;
    a handsome face un beau visage;
    injuries to the face blessures fpl à la face ou au visage;
    I know that face je connais cette tête-là, cette tête me dit quelque chose;
    I have a good memory for faces j'ai une bonne mémoire des visages, je suis très physionomiste;
    she was lying face down or downwards elle était étendue à plat ventre ou face contre terre;
    she was lying face up or upwards elle était étendue sur le dos;
    he told her to her face what he thought of her il lui a dit en face ou sans ambages ce qu'il pensait d'elle;
    to look sb in the face regarder qn en face ou dans les yeux;
    figurative I'll never be able to look him in the face again! je n'oserai plus jamais le regarder en face!;
    familiar to put on one's face (put make-up on) se maquiller ;
    (b) (expression) mine f, expression f;
    to make or to pull a face at sb faire une grimace à qn;
    to pull a funny face faire des simagrées, faire le singe;
    what a grumpy face! quel air renfrogné!;
    she put on a brave or bold face elle a fait bon visage ou bonne contenance;
    put a good or brave face on it vous n'avez qu'à faire ou faites contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur
    (c) (appearance) apparence f, aspect m;
    it changed the face of the town cela a changé la physionomie de la ville;
    this is the ugly face of capitalism voici l'autre visage ou le mauvais côté du capitalisme;
    the face of Britain is changing le visage de la Grande-Bretagne est en train de changer;
    Communism with a human face le communisme à visage humain
    (d) (front → of building) façade f, devant m; (→ of cliff) paroi f; (→ of mountain) face f
    (e) Geometry face f
    (f) (of clock, watch) cadran m; (of coin) face f; (of page) recto m; (of playing card) face f, dessous m; (of the earth) surface f; (of bat, golf club, tennis raquet) surface f de frappe; (of crystal) facette f, plan m; (of hammer) plat m;
    it fell face down/up (gen) c'est tombé du mauvais/bon côté; (card, coin) c'est tombé face en dessous/en dessus;
    figurative she has vanished off the face of the earth elle a complètement disparu de la circulation;
    my keys can't just have disappeared off the face of the earth! mes clés n'ont pas pu se volatiliser tout de même!
    (g) British familiar (impudence) culot m, toupet m
    (h) Mining front m de taille
    (i) Typography (typeface) œil m; (font) fonte f
    she laughed/shut the door in his face elle lui a ri/fermé la porte au nez;
    to lose/to save face perdre/sauver la face;
    to suffer a loss of face subir une humiliation;
    he set his face against our marriage il s'est élevé contre notre mariage;
    he won't show his face here again! il ne risque pas de remettre les pieds ici!;
    her plans blew up in her face tous ses projets se sont retournés contre elle;
    British familiar to be off one's face (drunk) être pété ou bourré; (on drugs) être défoncé
    (a) (turn towards) faire face à;
    I turned and faced him je me retournai et lui fis face;
    face the wall tournez-vous vers le mur
    (b) (be turned towards) faire face à, être en face de;
    he faced the blackboard il était face au ou faisait face au tableau;
    she was facing him elle était en face de lui;
    facing one another l'un en face de l'autre, en vis-à-vis;
    we were facing one another nous étions face à face, nous nous faisions face;
    to face the front regarder devant soi;
    a room facing the courtyard une chambre sur cour ou donnant sur la cour;
    the house faces south la maison est orientée ou exposée au sud;
    my chair faced the window ma chaise était ou faisait face à la fenêtre;
    two rows of seats facing one another deux rangées de sièges en vis-à-vis;
    facing page 9 en regard ou en face de la page 9
    (c) (confront) faire face ou front à, affronter;
    he dared not face me il n'a pas osé me rencontrer face à face;
    to face sb with sth confronter qn à qch;
    to be faced with sth être obligé de faire face à ou être confronté à qch;
    I was faced with having to pay for the damage j'ai été obligé ou dans l'obligation de payer les dégâts;
    he was faced with a difficult choice il était confronté à un choix difficile;
    to be faced with a decision être confronté à une décision;
    faced with the evidence devant l'évidence, confronté à l'évidence;
    we'll just have to face the music il va falloir affronter la tempête ou faire front
    (d) (deal with) faire face à;
    to face a problem faire face à ou s'attaquer à un problème;
    I can't face telling her je n'ai pas le courage de le lui dire;
    we must face facts il faut voir les choses comme elles sont;
    they won't face the fact that it's too late ils ne veulent pas se rendre à l'évidence et admettre qu'il est trop tard;
    let's face it, we're lost admettons-le, nous sommes perdus;
    face it, she's not coming back accepte-le, elle ne reviendra pas
    (e) (risk → disaster) être menacé de; (→ defeat, fine, prison) encourir, risquer;
    she faces the possibility of having to move elle risque d'être obligée de déménager;
    faced with eviction, he paid his rent face à ou devant la perspective d'une expulsion, il a payé son loyer;
    thousands face unemployment des milliers de personnes sont menacés de chômage
    (f) (of problem, situation) se présenter à;
    the problem facing us le problème qui se pose (à nous) ou devant lequel on se trouve;
    the difficulties facing the EC les difficultés que rencontre la CEE ou auxquelles la CEE doit faire face
    (g) (cover) revêtir ( with de)
    (a) (turn) se tourner; (be turned) être tourné;
    she was facing towards the camera elle était tournée vers ou elle faisait face à l'appareil photo;
    American Military right face! à droite, droite!;
    American Military about face! demi-tour!
    (b) (house, window) être orienté; (look over) faire face à, donner sur;
    a terrace facing south une terrasse orientée au sud;
    the terrace faces towards the mountain la terrasse donne sur la montagne;
    facing forwards (in bus, train) dans le sens de la marche;
    facing backwards dans le mauvais sens
    she succeeded in the face of fierce opposition elle a réussi malgré une opposition farouche;
    in the face of danger devant le danger;
    in the face of adversity face à l'adversité
    à première vue
    face à face;
    she brought him face to face with her father elle l'a confronté avec son père;
    it brought us face to face with the problem cela nous a mis directement devant le problème
    ►► American face amount (of bank note, traveller's cheque) valeur f nominale; (of stamp) valeur f faciale;
    face card figure f (de jeu de cartes);
    face cream crème f pour le visage;
    British face flannel gant m de toilette;
    familiar humorous face fungus poils mpl du visage ;
    Metallurgy face hardening trempe f superficielle;
    face mask (cosmetic) masque m (de beauté); Sport masque m;
    face pack masque m (de beauté);
    face powder poudre f;
    face scrub (cosmetic) exfoliant m;
    Television & Cinema face shot plan m de visage;
    American face time (meeting) = rencontre en face à face entre deux personnes (par opposition aux contacts par téléphone ou courrier électronique); (on TV) temps m de présence à l'écran;
    we need some face time to solve this il faut qu'on se voie pour régler ça;
    face towel serviette f de toilette;
    face value (of bank note, traveller's cheque) valeur f nominale; (of stamp) valeur f faciale;
    figurative I took her remark at face value j'ai pris sa remarque au pied de la lettre ou pour argent comptant;
    don't take him at face value ne le jugez pas sur les apparences
    Military faire demi-tour
    tenir tête à
    American Sport (teams) se rencontrer
    (garden, street) donner sur
    British (problems, difficult situation) surmonter; (person) résister à;
    to face it out ne pas broncher
    faire face à, affronter;
    he won't face up to the fact that he's getting older il ne veut pas admettre qu'il vieillit

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > face

  • 6 back

    back [bæk]
    vers l'arrière1 (a) re + verbe1 (b), 1 (c) de derrière2 (a) arrière2 (a), 3 (g) dos3 (a)-(c), 3 (e), 3 (f) fond3 (d) reculer4 (a), 5 (a) financer4 (b) parier sur4 (c)
    (a) (towards the rear) vers l'arrière, en arrière;
    he stepped back il a reculé d'un pas, il a fait un pas en arrière;
    I pushed back my chair j'ai reculé ma chaise;
    she tied her hair back elle a attaché ses cheveux;
    he glanced back il a regardé derrière lui;
    house set or standing back from the road maison écartée du chemin ou en retrait
    to come back revenir;
    to go back (return) retourner;
    to go or turn back (retrace footsteps) rebrousser chemin;
    American familiar to go back on sb (betray) doubler qn;
    we went back home nous sommes rentrés (à la maison);
    my headache's back j'ai de nouveau mal à la tête, mon mal de tête a recommencé;
    they'll be back on Monday ils rentrent ou ils seront de retour lundi;
    I'll be right back je reviens tout de suite;
    I'll be back (threat) vous me reverrez;
    we expect him back tomorrow il doit rentrer demain;
    as soon as you get back dès votre retour;
    is he back at work? a-t-il repris le travail?;
    he's just back from Moscow il arrive ou rentre de Moscou;
    we went to town and back nous avons fait un saut en ville;
    he went to his aunt's and back il a fait l'aller et retour chez sa tante;
    the trip to Madrid and back takes three hours il faut trois heures pour aller à Madrid et revenir;
    meanwhile, back in Washington entre-temps, à Washington;
    back home, there's no school on Saturdays chez moi ou nous, il n'y a pas d'école le samedi;
    Commerce the back-to-school sales les soldes fpl de la rentrée
    she wants her children back elle veut qu'on lui rende ses enfants;
    he went back to sleep il s'est rendormi;
    business soon got back to normal les affaires ont vite repris leur cours normal;
    miniskirts are coming back (in fashion) les minijupes reviennent à la mode
    six pages back six pages plus haut;
    back in the 17th century au 17ème siècle;
    as far back as I can remember d'aussi loin que je m'en souvienne;
    back in November déjà au mois de novembre;
    familiar ten years back il y a dix ans
    (e) (in reply, in return)
    you should ask for your money back vous devriez demander un remboursement ou qu'on vous rembourse;
    I hit him back je lui ai rendu son coup;
    if you kick me I'll kick you back si tu me donnes un coup de pied, je te le rendrai;
    she smiled back at him elle lui a répondu par un sourire;
    to write back répondre (par écrit);
    to get one's own back (on sb) prendre sa revanche (sur qn);
    that's her way of getting back at you c'est sa façon de prendre sa revanche sur toi
    (a) (rear → door, garden) de derrière; (→ wheel) arrière (inv); (→ seat) arrière (inv), de derrière;
    the back legs of a horse les pattes fpl arrière d'un cheval;
    back entrance entrée f située à l'arrière;
    the back room is the quietest la pièce qui donne sur l'arrière est la plus calme;
    the back page of the newspaper la dernière page du journal;
    to put sth on the back burner remettre qch à plus tard
    (b) (quiet → lane, road) écarté, isolé
    (c) (overdue) arriéré
    (d) Linguistics (vowel) postérieur
    3 noun
    back pain mal m de dos;
    to have a back problem avoir des problèmes de dos;
    she carried her baby on her back elle portait son bébé sur son dos;
    I fell flat on my back je suis tombé à la renverse ou sur le dos;
    we lay on our backs nous étions allongés sur le dos;
    my back aches j'ai mal au dos;
    the cat arched its back le chat a fait le gros dos;
    I only saw them from the back je ne les ai vus que de dos;
    she sat with her back to the window elle était assise le dos tourné à la fenêtre;
    sitting with one's back to the light assis à contre-jour;
    he was sitting with his back to the wall il était assis, dos au mur;
    figurative to have one's back to the wall être au pied du mur;
    to turn one's back on sb tourner le dos à qn; figurative abandonner qn;
    when my back was turned quand j'avais le dos tourné;
    you had your back to me tu me tournais le dos;
    they have the police at their backs (in support) ils ont la police avec eux; (in pursuit) ils ont la police à leurs trousses;
    with an army at his back (supporting him) soutenu par une armée;
    to do sth behind sb's back faire qch dans le dos de qn;
    he laughs at you behind your back il se moque de vous quand vous avez le dos tourné ou dans votre dos;
    to talk about sb behind their back dire du mal de qn dans son dos;
    the decision was taken behind my back la décision a été prise derrière mon dos;
    he went behind my back to the boss il est allé voir le patron derrière mon dos ou à mon insu;
    to be flat on one's back (bedridden) être alité ou cloué au lit;
    familiar get off my back! fiche-moi la paix!;
    mind your backs! attention, s'il vous plaît!;
    the rich live off the backs of the poor les riches vivent sur le dos des pauvres;
    to put sb's back up énerver qn;
    to put one's back into sth mettre toute son énergie dans qch;
    familiar that's it, put your back into it! allez, un peu de nerf!;
    to put one's back out se faire mal au dos;
    I'll be glad to see the back of her je serai content de la voir partir ou d'être débarrassé d'elle
    (b) (part opposite the front → gen) dos m, derrière m; (→ of coat, shirt, door) dos m; (→ of vehicle, building, head) arrière m; (→ of train) queue f; (→ of book) fin f;
    to sit in the back (of car) monter à l'arrière;
    to sit at the back (of bus) s'asseoir à l'arrière;
    the carriage at the back of the train la voiture en queue de ou du train;
    at the back of the book à la fin du livre;
    the garden is out or round the back le jardin se trouve derrière la maison;
    the dress fastens at the back or American in back la robe s'agrafe dans le dos;
    there was an advert on the back of the bus il y avait une publicité à l'arrière du bus;
    familiar she's got a face like the back of a bus elle est moche comme un pou
    (c) (other side → of hand, spoon, envelope) dos m; (→ of carpet, coin, medal) revers m; (→ of fabric) envers m; (→ of page) verso m; Finance (→ of cheque) dos m, verso m;
    I know this town like the back of my hand je connais cette ville comme ma poche;
    familiar you'll feel the back of my hand in a minute! tu vas en prendre une!
    (d) (farthest from the front → of cupboard, room, stage) fond m;
    back of the mouth arrière-bouche f;
    back of the throat arrière-gorge f;
    we'd like a table at the or in the very back nous voudrions une table tout au fond;
    familiar in the back of beyond en pleine brousse, au diable vauvert;
    it was always there at the back of his mind that… l'idée ne le quittait pas que…;
    it's something to keep at the back of your mind c'est quelque chose à ne pas oublier;
    I've had it or it's been at the back of my mind for ages j'y pense depuis longtemps, ça fait longtemps que ça me travaille
    (e) (binding) dos m
    (f) (of chair) dos m, dossier m
    (g) Sport arrière m;
    (full) back arrière m;
    right/left back arrière m droit/gauche
    (a) (move backwards → bicycle, car) reculer; (→ horse) faire reculer; (→ train) refouler;
    I backed the car into the garage j'ai mis la voiture dans le garage en marche arrière;
    she backed him into the next room elle l'a fait reculer dans la pièce d'à côté
    (b) Commerce (support financially → company, venture) financer, commanditer; Finance (→ loan) garantir;
    Finance to back a bill avaliser ou endosser un effet
    (c) (encourage → efforts, person, venture) encourager, appuyer, soutenir; Politics (→ candidate, bill) soutenir;
    we backed her in her fight against racism nous l'avons soutenue dans sa lutte contre le racisme;
    (d) (bet on) parier sur, miser sur;
    Sport to back a winner (horse, team) parier ou miser sur un gagnant; Finance & Commerce (company, stock) bien placer son argent; figurative jouer la bonne carte;
    figurative to back the wrong horse parier ou miser sur le mauvais cheval
    (e) Textiles (strengthen, provide backing for → curtain, material) doubler; (→ picture, paper) renforcer
    (f) Music (accompany) accompagner
    (g) Nautical (sail) masquer
    (a) (go in reverse → car, train) faire marche arrière; (→ horse, person) reculer;
    the car backed into the driveway la voiture est entrée en marche arrière dans l'allée;
    I backed into my neighbour's car je suis rentré dans la voiture de mon voisin en reculant;
    I backed into a corner je me suis retiré dans un coin
    (b) (wind) tourner en sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre
    to go back and forth (person) faire des allées et venues; (machine, piston) faire un mouvement de va-et-vient;
    his eyes darted back and forth il regardait de droite à gauche
    devant derrière, à l'envers;
    you've got your pullover on back to front tu as mis ton pull devant derrière
    American derrière
    ►► Technology back boiler = ballon d'eau chaude situé derrière un foyer;
    Press back copy vieux numéro m;
    Australian & New Zealand back country campagne f, arrière-pays m inv;
    back door (of building) porte f de derrière; Finance financement m déguisé;
    figurative to get in through or by the back door être pistonné;
    (a) (of car, bus) arrière m; (of train) queue f
    (b) North of England (autumn) arrière-saison f, automne m;
    the back end of the year l'arrière-saison;
    Linguistics back formation dérivation f régressive;
    American back haul = trajet de retour d'un camion;
    Finance back interest arrérages mpl, intérêts mpl arriérés;
    Press back issue vieux numéro m;
    Golf the back nine les neuf derniers trous mpl;
    Press back number vieux numéro m;
    Banking back office back-office m;
    back office staff personnels mpl de back-office;
    Commerce back orders commandes fpl en souffrance;
    back page dernière page f;
    Football back pass passe f en retrait;
    back passage Anatomy rectum m; (alley) ruelle f;
    back pay rappel m de salaire;
    Cinema & Theatre back projection rétroprojection f;
    back rent arriéré m de loyer;
    back road petite route f;
    back room (in house) pièce f de derrière; (in shop) arrière-boutique f; (for research) laboratoire m de recherche secret;
    back seat siège m arrière;
    figurative to take a back seat (job, project) passer au second plan; (person) s'effacer;
    back shift (people) = équipe du soir;
    I hate the back shift je déteste être du soir;
    to work or be on the back shift être (de l'équipe) du soir;
    Linguistics back slang verlan m;
    back straight ligne f (droite) d'en face;
    back street petite rue f;
    I grew up in the back streets of Chicago j'ai été élevé dans les mauvais quartiers de Chicago;
    Horseracing back stretch (on race course) ligne f d'en face;
    American familiar back talk impertinence f, insolence f;
    Finance back taxes arriéré m d'impôts
    (a) (car) faire marche arrière
    (b) (person) (se) reculer;
    she backed away from him elle a reculé devant lui;
    figurative they have backed away from making a decision ils se sont abstenus de prendre une décision
    (accept defeat → in argument) admettre qu'on est dans son tort; (→ in conflict) faire marche arrière;
    he finally backed down on the issue of membership il a fini par céder sur la question de l'adhésion
    (a) (withdraw) reculer;
    familiar figurative back off, will you! fiche-moi la paix!, lâche-moi les baskets!
    (b) American (accept defeat → in argument) admettre qu'on est dans son tort; (→ in conflict) faire marche arrière
    (have back facing towards) donner sur (à l'arrière);
    the house backs onto the river l'arrière de la maison donne sur la rivière
    (a) (car) sortir en marche arrière; (person) sortir à reculons
    (b) figurative (withdraw) se dérober, tirer son épingle du jeu;
    don't back out now! ne faites pas marche arrière maintenant!;
    they backed out of the deal ils se sont retirés de l'affaire;
    to back out of a contract se rétracter ou se retirer d'un contrat;
    he's trying to back out (of it) il voudrait se dédire
    back up
    (a) (car) faire marche arrière
    (b) (drain) se boucher; (water) refouler
    (a) (car, horse) faire reculer; (train) refouler
    (b) (support → claim, story) appuyer, soutenir; (→ person) soutenir, épauler, seconder;
    to back sb up in an argument donner raison à qn;
    her story is backed up by eye witnesses sa version des faits est confirmée par des témoins oculaires;
    he backed this up with a few facts il a étayé ça avec quelques faits
    (c) Computing (data, file) sauvegarder
    traffic is backed up for 5 miles il y a un embouteillage sur 8 km
    Computing sauvegarder
    ✾ Film 'Back to the Future' Zemeckis 'Retour vers le futur'

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  • 7 walk

    I [wɔːk] n
    1) прогулка, пешая прогулка
    - easy walk
    - leisurely walk
    - nature walk
    - long walk
    - take smb for a walk
    - enjoy a walk

    The bus stop is a five minutes' walk from here. — Автобусная остановка в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда.

    We took a walk from our house to the center of the town. — Мы прошли пешком от нашего дома до центра города.

    It's an easy walk from here to school. — Отсюда легко дойти до школы

    II [wɔːk]
    1) идти, ходить (пешком)

    It's not far to walk. — Тут недалеко пешком.

    - walk much
    - walk all the way
    - walk home
    (1.) See go, v (2.) See come, v WAYS OF DOING THINGS: Глагол to walk в значении "ходить пешком" и в значении "ходить, двигаться, гулять" не уточняет характера и обстоятельств ходьбы. Такую конкретизацию хождения передает ряд других глаголов, таких, как to stroll, to stride, to march, to pace, to amble, to saunter, to trudge, to plod, to hoble, to limp, to shuffle, to stagger, to stumble, to lurch, to tiptoe, to creep, to sneak, to strut, to pick one's way, to edge, to wade и др. To stride - быстро идти большими шагами из-за поспешности или с чувством уверенности: He strode along the beach. Он быстно шагал по берегу. The enterviewer strode confidently towards me and shook my hand. Корреспондент уверенно шагнул ко мне и поздоровался со мной за руку. I saw Max striding angrily away. Я видел, как Макс рассерженно/в гневе зашагал прочь. She strode quickly and purposefully into the room, with her head upright. Она быстро большими шагами целенаправленно вошла в комнату с высоко поднятой головой. To march/to stride - маршировать, быстро и уверенно ходить/двигаться, особенно в гневе или с чувством решимости: Sheila marched into the office to demand apology. Шейла уверенно шагнула в кабинет, чтобы потребовать извинения. "I'll never forgive you for this" she said marching off. "Я тебе этого никогда не прощу", сказала она и зашагала прочь. To pace - ходить взад и вперед в небольшом пространстве, особенно если вы нервничаете, раздражены или сердитесь: She paced back and forth along the corridor, waiting for the doctor to come back. Она ходила взад и вперед по коридору в ожидании возвращения врача. "We are going to be late", he said irritably pacing up a down the room. "Мы опаздываем" - сказал он, раздраженно ходя взад и вперед по комнате. A lion paced up and down the cage growling. Лев бегал по клетке и рычал. Mr. Jacobs would pace the hall at meetings, being too tense to sit down. На заседаниях мистер Джекобс ходил взад и вперед по залу, так как не мог от напряжения сидеть. To stroll - ходить прогуливаясь, ходить медленно, ходить расслабившись: I strolled along the beach with the warm sun on my face. Я гулял по берегу, и солнце светило мне в лицо. The young couple strolled in the park arm-in-arm. Молодая пара под руку прогуливалась по парку. People were strolling unhurriedly along the path. Люди не торопясь, прогуливались по тропинке. To amble - медленно прогуливаться, особенно на небольшие расстояния или без определенной цели: An old man appeared from behind the house and ambled across the courtyard. Из-за дома появился старик, который медленно шел по двору. One of the horses, the white one, slowly ambled towards me. Одна из лошадей - белая, медленно двигалась ко мне. She was ambling along as usual without a care in the orth. Она, как обычно, беззаботно прогуливалась. To saunter - прогуливаться медленно и лениво, часто с гордым выражением лица, которое раздражает остальных людей: I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting. Я медленно и лениво прошла в сад, где несколько друзей о чем-то болтали. As usual he sauntered into class twenty minutes late. Как обычно медленно вошел в класс, на двадцать минут после звонка. To trudge - тащиться, таскаться, идти тяжело и медленно из-за усталости: He trudged the streets the whole day. Он тасклся по улицам целый день. He trudged wearily up the hill. Он устало тащился в гору. Mother walked the four miles to the nearest store, trudging back home with her bags of groceries. Мама прошла четыре мили до ближайшего магазина, и устало и тяжело шла домой с тяжелыми продуктовыми сумками. Trudging through the sand was exausting. Идти по песку было очень изнурительно. To plod - плестись, идти медленно и тяжело по плохой дороге или неся что-либо тяжелое: He ploded wearily home. Он устало плелся домой. The travellers ploded through the deep snow along the railway. Путешественники тяжело шли по глубокому снегу вдоль железнодорожного полотна. The donkeys were plodding slowly along under their heavy burden. Ослы устало брели под тяжестью ноши. To hoble - ковылять, идти медленно и с трудом; идти неуверенно из-за того, что больно: My knee was stiff and painful, I could onle hoble. Колено у меня болело и не гнулось, я мог только кое-как ковылять. Aunt Lucy was hobling slowly round the room on her crutches. Тетя Люси медленно ходила по комнате на костылях. To limp - хромать, идти хромая: Robert limped painfuly to/over to a chair and sat down. Роберт прохромал к стулу и сел. Though the accident was two years ago, I still limp. Хотя авария произошла два года тому назад, я все еще хромаю. To shuffle - шаркать; идти медленно, не отрывая ног от поверхности, особенно в старости: He shuffled to the window. Он шаркающей походкой пошел к окну. Leaning on Alice's arm, the old woman shuffled towards the door. Опираясь на руку Алсы, старушка шаркающей походкой пошла к двери. To stagger - валиться с ног, идти спотыкаясь, идти неуверенной походкой, идти спотыкаясь и падая из-за того, что вы устали, больны или пьяны: I was hit on the head and just managed to stagger out of the room. Меня ударили по голове, но мне удалось, пошатываясь выбраться из комнаты. My father was stagering under the weigh of a huge parcel. Отец шел, пошатываясь под грузом тяжелого свертка. To stumble - идти спотыкаясь особенно потому, что темно или неровная дорога, либо от усталости или от того, что вы в нетрезвом виде: The room was dark and Bob nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone. В комнате было темно, и Боб, задев за стул, спотыкаясь, подошел к телефону. Having drunk half a bottle of whisky, I stumbled upstairs and into my bed. Выпив половину бутылки виски, я, спотыкаясь, поднялся по лестнице и свалился на кровать. To lurch - шататься, пошатнуться: The lorry lurched to one side. Грузовик накренился. Sally lurched sideways two steps as the boat rolled sudenly. Салли наклонилась вперед, когда лодка накренилась. He lurched towards the bathroom, clutching his stomach in pain. Он, согнувшись, бросился в ванну, хватаясь от боли за живот. To tiptoe - идти на цыпочках: Bobby tiptoed past his daughter's bedroom so as not to wake her. Бобби на цыпочках прошел мимо спальни дочери, чтобы не разбудить ее. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to speak above a whisper. Они тихонько на цыпочках прошли из комнаты в комнату, говоря только шопотом. To creep - идти крадучись и неуверенно босыми ногами или по мягкой поверхности: The cat was creeping along the fence. Кошка кралась вдоль забора. He creept on tiptoe out of the room. Он вышел из комнаты тихонько на цыпочках. She creept up to the window. Она подкралась к окну. To sneak - быстро крадучись идти, прячась от кого-либо, особенно если вы сделали что-либо дурное: He sneaked up from behind. Он подкрался сзади. The thieves sneaked in when the guard had his back turned. Воры прокрались внутрь, когда сторож повернулся к ним спиной. We tried to sneak off from work early. Мы пытались улизнуть с работы пораньше. To swagger - ходить с важным видом, важничать, ходить самоуверенно: He swaggered into the place as if he was the owner of the house. Он вошел в дом с таким важным видом, как-будто дом принадлежал ему. Sally's boy friends came swaggering down the steps with his hands in his pockets. Друг Сэлли, держа руки в карманах, с самоуверенным видом спускался с лестницы. Bob left the room swaggering clearly pleased with himself. Боб, явно довольный собой, важно вышел из комнаты. To strut - шагать/выступать с важным, надменным и напыщенным видом: The actor strutted across the stage in a royal mantel. Актер прошествовал по сцене в королевской мантии. The turkey was strutting about the yard. Индюк с напыщенным видом ходил по двору. Look at him strutting across the office; he thinks he is so important. Посмотри, как он напыщенно ходит по кабинету, он и в правду думает, что он так важен. To pick one's way - осторожно выбирать дорогу, обходить опасные места: She walked slowly picking her way among the puddles. Она шла медленно, осторожно обходя лужи. The boy began to pick his way over the rocks towards the ocean. Мальчик, спускаясь к берегу океана, выбирал дорогу среди камней. Journalists picked their way slowly through the crowded refuge camp. Журналисты медленно пробирались через толпу беженцев. To edge - пробираться, сторониться, особенно если тесно: She edged away from the window. Она бочком отошла/отодвинулась от окна. He edged a chair near the fire. Он подвинул стул ближе к камину. Edwin edged sideways through the front door, which seemed to be stuck. Эдвин боком протиснулся в парадную дверь, которую, казалось, заело. Edging my way through the crowd I eventually managed to get to the door. Протискиваясь через толпу, я, наконец, сумел добраться до двери. To wade - ходить по воде, шлепать по воде: Riescue workers had to wade waist deep in the muddy water. Спасателям пришлось пробираться по пояс в грязной воде. The fisherman got out of the boat and waded to the shoe. Рыбак вылез из лодки и по воде пошел к берегу

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > walk

  • 8 إلى

    إلى \ to: showing possession or position: It belongs to them. It was stuck to the wall, in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. I was away from June to October. against: touching (usually sth. upright): He pressed his nose against the glass. for: towards: We set off for home. into: showing a change of condition: The castle was turned into a hotel. till, until: up to (a certain time): We waited from 6.30 till midnight. \ إلى \ there: in or to that place: Let’s go there; we line there. \ See Also في ذلك المكان \ إلى \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ See Also أو في مَكانٍ ما \ إلى الأبَد \ forever: (also two words: (for ever) for always; endlessly: I can’t wait forever. \ إلى أَبْعَد حَدّ \ exceedingly: very: He’s exceedingly clever. extremely: very: You’re extremely kind. \ إلى أَبْعَد الحُدود \ ever so: very: It’s ever so easy. \ إلى أَبْعَد مِن \ farther: at or to a greater distance: I was too tired to go farther. \ إلى اتّجاه آخر \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الاتّجاه المُضادّ \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الآخِر \ right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. Go right back to the beginning. \ إلى أَسْفَل \ down: from a higher level to a lower one: The aeroplane came down slowly, from a higher level to a lower one: I climbed down the tree. The rope hung down the wall. downward, downwards: in a downward direction: He lay, face downwards, on the grass. over: to from an upright (or straight) position to a flat (or bent) position: I fell over. He knocked me over. \ إلى أَعْلَى \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill, in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. She looked up at the stars. He got up from his chair. Prices often go up. uphill: up a slope: The road winds uphill for a mile. upward: in an upward direction: The aeroplane flew upwards. \ إلى أَعْلَى وإلى أسفل \ up and down: off the ground and back to it; higher and lower: He was jumping up and down. He waved his stick up and down. \ إلى أَقْصَى ما أعرِفه عنه \ to the best of sb.’s knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, he is honest (I have no reason to doubt his honesty). \ إلى الأَمام \ along: on; forward: She hurried along. forth: old use forwards; onwards. forward: also forwards towards the front: He stepped forward(s) to greet me. \ إلى أَن \ (prep. fml.) pending: until: I put his letter in a drawer, pending his arrival. till: up to the time when: I waited till he was ready. until: up to the time that: She stayed until I returned. \ إلى الآن \ hitherto: up to now: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى أو بارتفاع الرُّكبة \ knee-deep: up to the knees: The river was only knee-deep. \ إلى أو في الاتِّجاه المُعَاكِس \ about: facing the opposite way: The ship turned about and came back to harbour. \ إلى أو في داخِل \ into: (showing direction) in: He fell into a hole. She came into the house. \ إلى أو نحو الأرض \ down: on to the ground: I fell down. He knocked me down. \ إلى أو نَحْوَ الدّاخِل \ inwards: towards the inside: The door opened inwards. \ إلى أيّ حَدّ \ any: (with comparative words) at all; in any way: Do you feel any better?He’s too old to go any faster. \ إلى أَيْنَ؟ \ where: in or to what place: Where do you live? Where are you going?. \ إلى الجانِب الآخر \ over: across, from one side to the other: The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ إلى الجهة الأخرى \ the other way round: in the opposite direction; happening in another order or relationship: Turn the chair the other way round so that you can see out of the window. George didn’t hit John - it was the other way round (John hit George). \ إلى الجهة أو الناحية الأخرى \ over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ إلى حَدّ أنّهُ \ so: showing an effect: It was so cold that the water froze. He’s not so ill as to need a doctor. \ إلى حَدٍّ بعيد \ by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. largely: mostly: The accident was largely his own fault. quite: (often followed by but) not very, but reasonably; fairly: She’s quite tall, but not as tall as you. He’s quite a nice boy, but he’s lazy. stiff: (with the verbs bore, scare, worry) to a state of tiredness; nearly to death: Long speeches bore me stiff. \ إلى حَدٍّ كبير \ enormously: very greatly: I enjoyed myself enormously. madly: in a mad way; very much: He’s madly keen on football. much: greatly: I don’t much like it. such: of a kind that produces a certain result: It was such a heavy box that I could not lift it. Its weight was such that I could not lift it. \ إلى حَدٍّ ما \ fairly: (with an adj. or adv.) slightly; not completely: a fairly easy job; fairly well done. moderately: reasonably; quite, but not very: I’m moderately sure about it. It was a moderately warm day. more or less: about, but not exactly: She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. partially: not wholly; not completely: He’s partially blind. partly: not completely; in regard to a part: It was partly my fault, and partly his. rather: not very, but fairly: I was rather sorry to miss that meeting. We arrived rather (slightly) earlier than we expected. reasonably: fairly; enough, but not completely: I’m reasonably certain of success. slightly: a little: He’s slightly taller than I am. somewhat: rather: He’s somewhat older than you are. to a certain degree: not completely: To a certain degree, it was my fault. pretty: fairly; comparatively: a pretty cheap car (cheaper than most cars). \ See Also جزئيا (جزئيًّا)، باعتدال، تقريبا (تقريبًا)‏ \ إلى حَيْثُ \ where: in or to the place in which: I’m going where I always go. Leave him where he is. \ See Also حيث (حَيْثُ)‏ \ إلى الخَارج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: from inside: The door opened and a man came out. \ See Also في الخَارِج \ إلى الخَلْف \ back: away from the front: Stand back from the fire. backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ إلى داخِل \ in: showing entrance or direction: He looked in through the window. He came in. He threw a stone in. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ See Also في داخِل \ إلى درجة أَقَلّ \ down: less; to a weaker or lower state: First heat the metal up, then cool it down. We must cut down our costs. \ إلى الطَّابق الأَسْفَل \ down: downstairs: He’s out of bed and he’ll be down in a minute. downstairs: down the stairs: He hurried downstairs. \ إلى غير رَجْعَة \ for good: for ever: I’ve stopped smoking for good. \ إلى فَوْق \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill. \ See Also فوق (فَوْق)‏ \ إلى قِطع صغيرة \ to bits: (after verbs like come, go, fall, blow, cut, tear) into little pieces: My glasses fell to bits on the floor. \ إلى ما قبلَ (وقت محدد)‏ \ hitherto: up to now; up to the past time already spoken of: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى النِّهاية \ out: completely: I was tired out. right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. up: (with verbs) completely; to the end: Finish up your food. \ إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so far: until now: We’ve won six games so far. this: so: I didn’t expect him to be this late (so late as he is) The fish was only this big (the size that I’m showing you). \ See Also حتّى الآن \ إلى هُنا \ here: at, in or to this place: I live here. Come here! He lives near here. Is the hospital far from here?. \ See Also هنا (هُنا)‏ \ إلى هُناك \ there: to that place: Let’s go there. \ See Also هناك (هُناك)‏ \ إلى اليَمين \ clockwise: in the direction taken by the hands of a clock: To open this lock, turn the key clockwise (or in a clockwise direction).

    Arabic-English dictionary > إلى

  • 9 lever

    lever [l(ə)ve]
    ➭ TABLE 5
    1. transitive verb
       a. ( = soulever) [+ poids, objet] to lift ; [+ main, bras, tête] to raise ; [+ vitre] to wind up
    lever le camp to break camp ; ( = partir) to clear off (inf)
    lever le siège to raise the siege ; ( = partir) to clear off (inf)
    lever le pied ( = ralentir) to slow down
       b. ( = arrêter) [+ blocus] to raise ; [+ séance, audience] to bring to an end ; [+ obstacle, difficulté, scellés] to remove ; [+ interdiction, sanction, restriction] to lift ; [+ ambiguïté] to clear up ; [+ immunité parlementaire] to take away
    on lève la séance ? (inf) shall we call it a day?
       c. ( = prélever) [+ impôts] to levy ; [+ fonds] to raise ; (Cards) [+ pli] to take ; [+ morceau de viande] to remove
       d. ( = chasser) [+ lapin] to start ; [+ perdrix] to flush ; [+ femme] (inf!) to pick up (inf)
       e. ( = sortir du lit) [+ enfant, malade] to get up
    2. intransitive verb
    [plante, blé] to come up [pâte] to rise
    3. reflexive verb
       a. ( = se mettre debout) to stand up
    se lever de table/de sa chaise to get down from the table/get up from one's chair
    levez-vous ! stand up!
       b. ( = sortir du lit) to get up
    ce matin, il s'est levé du pied gauche he got out of bed on the wrong side this morning
    il faut se lever de bonne heure pour le convaincre ! (inf) you'll have your work cut out to persuade him
       c. [soleil, lune] to rise ; [jour] to break ; [vent] to get up ; [brume] to lift ; [rideau, main] to go up
    4. masculine noun
    le lever du rideau ( = commencement d'une pièce) curtain up
    * * *

    1. ləve
    1) ( dresser) gén to raise

    lever la main or le doigt — ( pour parler) to put up one's hand

    lever la main sur quelqu'un — ( frapper) to raise a hand to somebody

    lever les yeux or la tête — ( regarder) to look up (sur, vers at)

    sans lever les yeux[dire, répondre] without looking up; [travailler, étudier] without a break

    2) ( soulever) to lift [objet]; to raise [barrière]

    lever le rideauThéâtre to raise the curtain

    lever les filets — ( à la pêche) to haul in the nets

    3) ( sortir du lit) to get [somebody] up [enfants, malade]
    4) ( mettre fin à) to lift [embargo, contrôle]; to raise [siège]; to dispel [doute, mystère]; to end [tabou, secret, audience]; to remove [obstacle, difficultés]; to close [séance]
    5) ( collecter) to raise [capitaux, fonds]; to levy [impôt]
    6) ( recruter) to levy [troupes]
    7) ( débusquer) to flush out [gibier]

    lever un lièvrelit to start a hare

    verbe intransitif
    1) Culinaire [pâte] to rise
    2) Agriculture [semis, blé] to come up

    se lever verbe pronominal
    1) ( sortir du lit) to get up

    il faut se lever de bonne heure (colloq) pour comprendre ce qu'il dit — fig you need to be pretty (colloq) clever to understand what he says

    2) ( se mettre debout) to stand up

    ‘accusé, levez-vous!’ — Droit ‘the accused will stand’

    3) ( s'insurger) [personne, peuple] to rise up ( contre against)
    4) ( apparaître) [soleil, lune] to rise ( sur over)
    5) ( s'agiter) [vent] to rise; [brise] to get up; ( s'éclaircir) [nuages, brume] to clear; [temps] to clear up

    II ləve
    nom masculin
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) [vitre, bras] to raise

    Levez la main si vous connaissez la réponse. — Put your hand up if you know the answer.

    2) [objet lourd] to lift, to raise

    Je n'arrive pas à le lever. — I can't lift it.

    3) [interdiction, siège] to lift, [difficulté] to remove
    4) [séance] to close
    5) [impôts, armée] to levy
    6) CHASSE, [lièvre] to start, [perdrix] to flush
    7) * [fille, garçon] to pick up, to pull *
    2. vi
    CUISINE, [pâte] to rise
    3. nm
    2) [astre]

    au lever du soleil — at sunrise, when the sun rises

    * * *
    lever verb table: lever
    A nm
    1 ( sortie du lit) au lever, boire un jus de fruit on getting up, drink some fruit juice; être là au lever des enfants to be there when the children get up;
    2 Géoglevé C.
    B vtr
    1 ( dresser) gén to raise [main, doigt, bras, poing, sourcil, jambe]; lever la main or le doigt ( pour parler) to put up one's hand; lever la main sur qn ( pour frapper) to raise one's hand to sb; lever les bras au ciel to throw up one's hands (de in); lever le pied gén to lift up one's foot; ( ralentir) lit, fig to slow down; ( partir) to clear off; lève les pieds quand tu marches! pick your feet up when you walk!; lever les yeux or la tête ( regarder) to look up (sur, vers at); ne pas lever les yeux or le nez de qch not to look up from sth; sans lever les yeux [dire, répondre] without looking up; [travailler, étudier] without a break; lever les yeux au ciel to raise one's eyes to heaven; lever la patte ( uriner) [chien] to cock a leg; il a levé la patte contre l'arbre it cocked its leg up against the tree; lever son cul to get off one's arse GB ou ass US; ⇒ doigt;
    2 ( soulever) to lift [objet]; to raise [barrière]; lever un chargement de quelques mètres to lift a load a few metresGB; lever son verre to raise one's glass (à to); lever le rideau Théât to raise the curtain; lever une vitre Aut to wind up a window; lever les filets Pêche to haul in the nets;
    3 ( sortir du lit) to get [sb] up [enfants, malade];
    4 ( mettre fin à) to lift [embargo, sanction, peine, contrôle]; to raise [siège]; to dispel [doute, malentendu, ambiguïté, mystère]; to end [tabou, secret, isolement, audience]; to remove [obstacle, difficultés, incertitude]; to close [séance];
    5 ( collecter) to raise [capitaux, fonds]; to levy [impôt];
    6 ( recruter) to levy [troupes];
    7 Fin to take up [actions, achat à terme]; lever une option to exercise an option;
    8 Chasse ( débusquer) to flush out [gibier, perdrix]; lever un lièvre lit to start a hare; fig to open a can of worms;
    9 Géog lever un plan to carry out a survey;
    10 Culin ( découper) lever un filet (de poisson) to fillet a fish; lever une cuisse de poulet to carve a chicken leg;
    11 ( séduire) to pick up [homme, femme, client].
    C vi
    1 Culin [pâte] to rise;
    2 Agric, Hort [semis, blé] to come up.
    D se lever vpr
    1 ( sortir du lit) to get up; se lever tôt/la nuit to get up early/in the night; avoir du mal à se lever to find it difficult to get up; il faut se lever de bonne heure pour comprendre ce qu'il dit you need to be pretty clever to understand what he says; ⇒ gauche;
    2 ( se mettre debout) to stand up; se lever de sa chaise to rise from one's chair; il l'a aidée à se lever he helped her to her feet; se lever pour applaudir to rise to one's feet to applaud; se lever de table to get up from the table; ‘accusé, levez-vous!’ Jur ‘the accused will stand’; se lever sur ses étriers Équit to stand on one's stirrups; ‘lève-toi et marche’ ‘arise, take up thy bed and walk’;
    3 ( se dresser) [partie du corps] to rise; des mains se sont levées some hands went up; des poings se lèvent fists are being shaken;
    4 ( s'insurger) [personne, peuple] to rise up (contre against);
    5 ( apparaître) [soleil, lune] to rise (sur over); le soleil va se lever the sun is about to rise; le jour se lève it's getting light;
    6 Météo ( s'agiter) [vent] to rise; [brise] to get up; ( s'éclaircir) [nuages, brouillard, brume] to clear; [temps] to clear up;
    7 Théât le rideau se lève the curtain rises (sur on).
    lever des couleurs Mil raising of the coloursGB; lever du drapeau raising of the flag; lever du jour daybreak; au lever du jour at daybreak; lever de rideau ( début de la représentation) curtain up; ( prélude) curtain raiser; partir au/manquer le lever de rideau to leave at/to miss curtain up; en lever de rideau, match Ali-Chang as a curtain raiser, Ali vs Chang match; lever du roi Hist King's levee; assister au lever du roi to be present at the King's levee; lever du soleil sunrise; au lever du soleil at sunrise.
    [ləve] nom masculin
    1. [apparition]
    le lever du jour daybreak, dawn
    2. [fait de quitter le lit]
    4. [d'un plan] survey
    [ləve] verbe transitif
    1. [faire monter] to raise, to lift
    [soulever] to lift
    [redresser] to lift up
    lever l'étendard de la révolte to rise up in revolt, to raise the banner (of rebellion)
    2. [diriger vers le haut - partie du corps] to lift, to raise
    lever la tête to lift ou to raise one's head
    lever les yeux [de son livre etc.] to look up
    lever les yeux au ciel to lift up ou to raise one's eyes to heaven
    lever les bras au ciel to lift up ou to raise one's arms to heaven
    3. [sortir du lit]
    lever quelqu'un to get somebody up, to get somebody out of bed
    1. [ramasser - filets de pêche] to raise ; [ - courrier, impôt] to collect
    2. [dessiner - carte] to draw (up)
    3. CUISINE [viande] to carve
    4. [faire cesser - blocus, interdiction] to lift ; [ - séance, audience] to close ; [ - scrupules, ambiguïté] to remove ; [ - punition] to lift ; [ - obstacle] to get rid of, to remove
    6. JEUX to pick up (separable)
    lever les cartes to take ou to pick up a trick
    2. (très familier) [séduire] to pull (très familier), to pick up (très familier)
    3. MILITAIRE [mobiliser] to raise
    [ləve] verbe intransitif
    1. [pousser - blé] to come up (inseparable)
    se lever verbe pronominal intransitif
    1. [monter] to go up
    tous les yeux ou regards se levèrent vers elle all eyes turned towards her
    2. [se mettre debout] to stand up, to rise
    se lever de sa chaise to get up ou to rise from one's chair
    3. [sortir du lit - dormeur] to get up, to rise (littéraire) ; [ - malade] to get up
    je ne peux pas me lever le matin I can't get up ou I can't get out of bed in the morning
    pour trouver du bon pain ici, tu peux te lever de bonne heure you've got your work cut out finding ou you'll be a long time finding good bread round here
    4. [apparaître - astre] to rise ; [ - jour] to dawn, to break
    [brume] to lift, to clear
    [orage] to break
    6. (littéraire) [surgir, naître] to rise (up)

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > lever

  • 10 ходить

    1. to go; 2. to walk; 3. to go/to travel on foot; 4. to stride; 5. to march; 6. to pace; 7. to stroll; 8. to amble; 9. to saunter; 10. to trudge; 11. to plod; 12. to hobble; 13. to shuffle; 14. to shamble; 15. to tiptoe; 16. to sneak; 17. to stagger; 18. to stumble; 19. to lurch; 20. to swagger; 21. to strut; 22. to wander; 23. to prowl; 24. to wade; 25. to pick one's way; 26. to edge
    Русский глагол ходить используется в разных ситуациях; относится к движению людей, работе механизмов, внешнему виду человека. Русский глагол ходить не уточняет, как осуществляется движение и при каких сопутствующих обстоятельствах. В английском языке эти аспекты уточняются значениями отдельных слов. В русском языке любые уточнения способов движения передаются, как правило, словосочетаниями с глаголом ходить.
    1. to go — (как и русский глагол ходить, английский глагол to go многозначен и относится как к живым существам, так и к неодушевленным предметам, машинам и механизмам): a) ходить, ездить, передвигаться (предполагает передвижение живых существ любыми способами — ногами, транспортными средствами и т. п.; обычно сопровождается определениями: как, когда, куда, каким образом): to go in pairs (arm-in-arm) — ходить парами (под руку); to go shopping — ходить за покупками; to go to the theatre (to the cinema, to concerts) — ходить в театр (в кино, на концерты); to go there right now — пойти туда сейчас же; to go by train — ездить поездом; to go by boat — плыть пароходом; to go by air — лететь самолетом; to go out to work — ходить на работу/ ходить на службу; to go swimming (skiing) — ходить плавать/купаться (ходить на лыжах) In summer he goes for a swim in all sorts of weather. — Летом он ходит купаться в любую погоду. On Saturday we usually go shopping. — По субботам мы обычно ходим за покупками. We don't often go to museums. — Мы редко ходим в музеи. My father liked to go into the mountains and he often took us kids with him. — Отец любил ходить в горы и часто брал нас, детей, с собой. b) ходить, функционировать, работать (описывает функционирование неодушевленных предметов, главным образом машин и механизмов): This watch doesn't go. — Эти часы не ходят. The bus goes there twice a day. — Автобус ходит туда два раза в день. Cars can't go along such roads. — Машины по таким дорогам не ездят./ Машины по таким дорогам ездить не могут. The train went at full speed. — Поезд шел полным ходом. Buses don't go along these streets. — По этим улицам автобусы не ходят/не ездят.
    2. to walk — ходить, гулять, прогуливаться, ходить пешком, прохаживаться, переступать ногами ( двигаться вперед с обычной скоростью): Lena and Ann always walk to school together. — Лена и Аня всегда идут в школу вместе. Shall we walk or take a taxi? — Пойдем пешком или возьмем такси? Ben learned to walk at ten months. — Бен научился ходить, когда ему было десять месяцев./Бен пошел, когда ему было десять месяцев. On the final day we walked over twenty miles. — В последний день мы прошли более двадцати миль. We walked around the market for a while, before going to the beach. — Мы немного походили по рынку прежде чем пойти на пляж. I keep seeing these two strange men walking around, I'm sure they are up to something. — Я все время вижу этих двух незнакомцев, которые ходят вокруг, я уверен, они что-то замышляют. The doctor told Sam to walk as much as possible — it was good for his heart. — Доктор посоветовал Сэму побольше ходить — это полезно для его сердца./Доктор посоветовал Сэму побольше двигаться — ему это полезно для сердца. Ellyn is up at six every morning to walk along the beach. — Эллин встает в шесть часов каждое утро, чтобы походить/погулять по пляжу. I like to go walking in the woods, just to breathe the air. — Я люблю ходить по лесу, просто чтобы подышать свежим воздухом. We are going to walk for a while before dinner. — Мы пошли до обеда немного погулять.
    3. to go/to travel on foot — ходить пешком: It is not far, it will take you about ten minutes on foot. — Это недалеко, всего минут десять пешком. They planned to travel partly by boat and the rest of the way on foot. — Они планировали проплыть на лодке часть пути, а остальной путь проделать пешком.
    4. to stride — шагать, ходить большими шагами (двигаться быстро, особенно если вы чувствуете неуверенность, сердитесь или торопитесь): Не strode along the beach. — Он шагал по пляжу./Он вышагивал по пляжу. Не strode on/off. — Он зашагал дальше. The interviewer strode confidently towards me and shook my hand. — Журналист уверенно шагнул ко мне и протянул руку, здороваясь со мной. I saw Max striding angrily away. — Я видел, как Макс в гневе зашагал прочь. She strode quickly and purposefully into the room, with her head upright. — С высоко поднятой головой и явным намерением что-то сделать она быстро шагнула/вошла в комнату.
    5. to march — маршировать, ходить строевым шагом, двигаться решительно, двигаться твердым шагом (двигаться быстро, уверенными шагами, особенно под влиянием гнева или решимости что-либо сделать): Sheila marched into the office to demand an apology. — Шейла уверенно вошла в контору потребовать, чтобы перед ней извинились. «I'll never forgive you for this», Margosaid marching off. — «Я тебе этого никогда не прощу», — сказала Марго и вышла. The soldiers marched through the town in two straight columns. — Солдаты прошли строем через город двумя стройными колоннами./Соддаты промаршировали через городдвумя стройными колоннами. At the army training camp the new recruits will learn how to march and shoot. — В военно-учебных лагерях новобранцы научатся ходить строем и стрелять. The prisoners were made to march around the court yard. — Узников заставляли маршировать по тюремному двору.
    6. to pace — ходить взад и вперед (обычно в небольшом пространстве, особенно если вы нервничаете, раздражены или рассержены): Sheila paced back and forth along the corridor, waiting for the doctor to come back. — В ожидании возвращения врача Шейла нервно ходила взад и вперед по коридору. «We are going to be late», Jordan said irritably pacing up and down the room. — «Мы опаздываем», — раздраженно сказал Джордан, меряя шагами комнату./«Мы опаздываем», — сказал Джордан, шагая взад и вперед по комнате. A lion paced up and down the cage. — Лев ходил по клетке взад и вперед.
    7. to stroll — прогуливаться ( ходить ради удовольствия): 1 strolled along the beach with the warm sun on my face. — Я медленно прогуливался по пляжу, теплое солнце светило мне в лицо. The young couple strolled through the park, arm-in-arm. — Молодая пара под руку прогуливалась по парку. In the evening Madrid fills with people strolling unhurridly from bar to bar. — По вечерам Мадрид наполняют гуляющие пары, которые не спеша переходят от бара к бару.
    8. to amble — двигаться мелкими шагами, семенить; идти неторопливым шагом, брести, бесцельно бродить; идти иноходью ( о лошади): An old man appeared from behind the house and ambled across the yard. — Из-за дома показался старик, который бесцельно бродил по двору. We ambled around the town. — Мы бродили по городу. One of the horses, the white one, slowly ambled toward me. — Одна из лошадей — белая — иноходью приблизилась ко мне.
    9. to saunter — прогуливаться, прохаживаться, фланировать (ходить с гордым видом, что нередко у других вызывает раздражение): We sauntered up and down the street. — Мы прогуливались/прохаживались вверх и вниз по улице. «Shouldn't you be in class?» — the teacher asked the girls who were sauntering down the corridor. — «Вы разве не должны быть в классе?» — спросил преподаватель девочек, спокойно прогуливающихся по коридору. I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting near the fire. — Я медленно прошел в сад, где у костра болтали несколько моих друзей. As usual, he sauntered into the class twenty minutes late. — Он с независимым видом вошел в класс как обычно с двадцатиминутным опозданием.
    10. to trudge — устало ходить, тяжело ступать, тащиться (тяжело двигаться медленными шагами, потому что вы устали): Mother walked for four miles to the nearest store trudging back home with her bag of groceries. — Мать ходила в магазин в четырех милях от дома, а потом устало тащилась домой с тяжелой сумкой продуктов. Trudging through the sand was exhausting. — Тащиться по песку было тяжело. He trudged the streets all day. — Он таскался по улицам целый день. Не trudged wearily up the hill. — Он устало тащился в гору.
    11. to plod — брести ( с трудом), тащиться, медленно плестись, устало плестись (еле-еле передвигая ноги из-за усталости или потому что вы несете что-либо тяжелое): Не plodded wearily home. — Он устало плелся домой. The travelers plodded through deep snow at the side of the railroad. — Путешественники устало плелись по глубокому снегу вдоль железнодорожного полотна./Путешественники медленно брели по глубокому снегу вдоль железнодорожного полотна. The donkey was plodding slowly along underthc heavy load. — Ослик еле плелся под тяжестью поклажи.
    12. to hobble — ковылять, прихрамывать: Не hobbled along. — Он шел прихрамывая. The man hobbled along on his crutches. — Мужчина ковылял на костылях.
    13. to shuffle — ходить шаркая ногами (двигаться медленно и с шумом, не поднимая ног от пола на должную высоту): Не shuffled to the bar across the room. — Он пошел шаркающей походкой к бару. Supporting herself on Ann's arm the old woman shuffled towards the door. — Опираясь на руку Анны, старушка шаркая шла к двери. I heard Bob shuffling around the kitchen. — Я слышала, как Боб шаркая ногами тяжело двигался по кухне.
    14. to shamble — ходить вразвалку; ходить волоча ноги (медленно и неуклюже, ленивой походкой двигаться, наклоняясь вперед): The old man shambled off. — Старик, волоча ноги, пошел прочь. Не shambled into the room and up lo the window. — Он ввалился в комнату и вразвалку подошел к окну. Looking tired, Parker shambled to the stage and started playing. — С усталым видом Паркер медленно прошел на сиену и начал играть.
    15. to tiptoe — ходить на цыпочках ( стараться быть незамеченным или не производить шума): Bobby tiptoed past his daughter's bedroom so as not to wake her. — Бобби на цыпочках прошел мимо спальни дочери, чтобы не разбудить ее. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to speak above a whisper. — Они ходили на цыпочках из комнаты в комнату и говорили только шепотом.
    16. to sneak — ходить крадучись, красться (тихо двигаться прячась от кого-либо, особенно если вы делаете что-либо плохое и не хотите быть пойманным): The thieves sneaked in when the guard had his back turned. — Воры крадучись пробрались внутрь, когда охранник стоял к ним спиной. Polly sneaked in through back yard so that her parents wouldn't wake up and see how late it was. — Полли крадучись вошла со двора так, чтобы не разбудить родителей и не дать им понять, как поздно она пришла.
    17. to stagger — ходить хромая, ходить шатаясь, шататься (двигаться неуверенной походкой, шатаясь из стороны в сторону, почти падая, особенно из-за того, что вы устали, пьяны или ранены): I was hit on the head and just managed to stagger out of the room. — Меня ударили по голове, и я с трудом, шатаясь выбрался из комнаты. My father was staggering under weight of a huge parcel. — Мой отец шел пошатываясь под тяжестью огромного пакета.
    18. to stumble — спотыкаться, ходить спотыкаясь (неуверенно двигаться, натыкаясь на то, что под ногами, или потому, что вы устали или пьяны): The room was dark and Sten nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the corner. — В комнате было темно, и Стэн споткнулся о стул и чуть не упал, идя в угол комнаты. Having drunk half a bottle of whisky I stumbled upstairs and to bed. — Выпив с полбутылки виски, я спотыкаясь поднялся наверх и лег в кровать.
    19. to lurch — идти нетвердой походкой, пошатываться, неуверенно двигаться: Не lurched sideways two steps as the stone rolled by. — Он уклонился на два шага в сторону, когда камень прокатился мимо. Harry lurched to the bathroom clutching his stomach in pain. — Гарри шатаясь побрел в ванную комнату, хватаясь от боли за живот.
    20. to swagger — расхаживать, ходить с гордым/важным видом, самоуверенно ( идти двигая всем корпусом): Paul swaggered arrogantly into (he boxing ring, as if he had already won the fight. — Павел с гордым видом вышел на ринг так, как будто он уже одержал победу. Sally's boyfriend came swaggering down the steps with his hands in his jackets. — Дружок Салли, засунув руки в карманы, с гордым видом спускался по ступенькам лестницы. Ben left the room swaggering clearly pleased with himself. — Бен гордо вышел из комнаты, весьма довольный собой.
    21. to strut — ходить с важным видом, выхаживать, вышагивать (ходить с гордо поднятой головой, грудью вперед, всем видом показывая свою важность): Look at him strutting across the office, he thinks he is so important. — Посмотри, как он вышагивает по офису, он думает, что он очень важная птица. During the mating season the male bird will strut in front of the female. — Во время сезона спаривания самец гордо вышагивает перед самкой.
    22. to wander — бродить, бесцельно ходить (часто по местам, которые вы не знаете): Tom spent most of his free time wandering about in the woods. — Большую часть своего свободного времени Том бродил по лесам. For an hour and a half we were wandering around the old city, completely lost. — Совершенно заблудившись, часа полтора мы бродили по старому городу.
    23. to prowl — рыскать, идти крадучись (тихо передвигаться, оставаясь незамеченным, особенно при попытке что-либо украсть или напасть на кого-либо): The nurse said that she could hear someone prowling in the garden. — Няня сказала, что она слышала, как кто-то крадучись ходил по саду. Several wolves prowled around the camp, but they were kept at bay by the fire. — Несколько волков рыскали у лагеря, но их остановил огонь костра. The police have warned the public the killer may be prowling the streets. — Полиция предупредила население, что убийца еще может бродить по улицам.
    24. to wade — ходить по воде, шлепать: Ellen waded into the water then started swimming across the river. — Эллен вошла в воду и поплыла на тот берег реки. The rescuers worked wading waist deep in the muddy water. — Спасатели работали по грудь в грязной воде. The fisherman got out of the boat and waded ashore. — Рыбак вышел из лодки и вброд пошел к берегу.
    25. to pick one's way — осторожно ходить (идти, выбирая дорогу, обходя опасные места): The boys began to pick their way over the rocks towards the ocean. — Мальчики начали осторожно двигаться по камням в сторону океана. Gathering her skirt she began to pick her way through the puddles. — Подобрав юбку, она начала пробираться, обходя дождевые лужи.
    26. to edge — ходить пробираясь боком; ходить по краю (медленно и осторожно, двигаясь боком через небольшое, узкое пространство, которое не позволяет идти нормальным шагом): Ben edged sideways through the front door, which seemed to be stuck. — Бэн протиснулся через парадную дверь, которую по-видимому заело. Edging my way through the crowd I eventually managed to get to the bar. — Пробравшись боком через толпу, я наконец смог добраться до бара.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > ходить

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